int128 / gpup

A command to upload photos and movies to Google Photos Library using the official Google Photos Library API
Apache License 2.0
220 stars 22 forks source link

Error while uploading ...: status 500: #1

Open asquelt opened 6 years ago

asquelt commented 6 years ago

i'm getting error 500 on every upload. is there any way to debug what's the actual response?

asquelt commented 6 years ago

after some time it changed to

Error while uploading ...: Post oauth2: token expired and refresh token is not set
int128 commented 6 years ago

Is there any error message?

The second message says that your token has been expired. Remove .gpup_token in your home directory and try again.

asquelt commented 6 years ago

no, unfortunately Error while uploading <FILENAME>: status 500: is complete message.

asquelt commented 6 years ago

FYI, same problem persists with 1.2

2018/08/10 16:38:31 The following 1 files will be uploaded:
  1: AUT14506.JPG
2018/08/10 16:38:31 Proceed authorization due to token cache unavailable: Could not open cache file /root/.gpup_token: open /root/.gpup_token: no such file or directory
2018/08/10 16:38:31 Open http://localhost:8000 for authorization
2018/08/10 16:38:35 GET /
2018/08/10 16:38:39 GET /?state=nnn&code=xxx
2018/08/10 16:38:48 Storing token cache to /root/.gpup_token
2018/08/10 16:38:48 Queued 1 file(s)
2018/08/10 16:38:48 Uploading AUT14506.JPG
2018/08/10 16:38:48 Adding 1 file(s) to the library
2018/08/10 16:38:50 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:38:54 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:38:56 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:39:12 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:39:25 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:40:00 Error while BatchCreate: googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
2018/08/10 16:40:00 Could not perform BatchCreate: retry over