int2str / jssyntaxtree

Dynamic JavaScript version of phpSyntaxTree - a tool to draw syntax trees from labelled bracket notation.
GNU General Public License v2.0
82 stars 17 forks source link

Add local docker setup #11

Open yanehi opened 3 years ago

yanehi commented 3 years ago

Nice project! 👍

I cant create a pull request, soI will let you my additions here.

FROM nginx:1.19

COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html

Local Setup

You can run jsSyntaxTree also locally on docker:

docker build -t jssyntaxtree .
docker run -p 80:80 jssyntaxtree
int2str commented 1 week ago

The Dockerfile has been added 3 years ago. Though, honestly, not sure if this is really needed. jsSyntaxTree is now "PWA" (Progressive Web App) compatible and can be installed from the browser by clicking the icon to the right of the URL bar.

Also, it makes no server requests so once it's opened it does not require internet access.

Leaving the Dockerfile for now (though the build method seems deprecated), but will not add to the README at this point.

Thanks for the suggestion!