intake / xrviz

Interactive visualisation interface for Xarrays
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
105 stars 21 forks source link

unpin holoviews #48

Closed jhamman closed 4 years ago

jhamman commented 4 years ago

closes #45

(holoviews 1.12.6 was released 4 days ago)

cc @rsignell-usgs

martindurant commented 4 years ago

Good with me, but I'll wait for @rsignell-usgs 's sign-off, since I wasn't following closely.

hdsingh commented 4 years ago

I have tested xrviz using the latest packages with this environment file:

  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - cartopy
  - xarray
  - netcdf4
  - datashader
  - holoviews
  - geoviews
  - hvplot
  - panel

Results: Two tests are failing, due to selectors not appearing in case of (lat, lon) as (x,y). Present packages (holoviews==1.12.1) (Selectors are available):

Screenshot from 2019-10-14 07-17-42

Latest packages (Selectors are not available): Screenshot from 2019-10-14 07-17-59

@jhamman Are you also encountering the same behaviour?

jhamman commented 4 years ago

My main problem right now is that I can't put xrviz into Pangeo's production environment because holoviews has its version fixed at v1.12.1.

Given that the upstream fixes didn't seem to fix the problems here, perhaps xrviz is in need of some updates?

hdsingh commented 4 years ago

I am trying to figure out why tests are passing in job 2 but failing in job 1.

All the tests pass for me locally created using the above mentioned env file and I have reconfirmed this by creating env again.

It also fails for conda install xarray cartopy panel hvplot netcdf4 datashader. I am trying to figure out the reason behind inconsistency in packages (having same hv version) using two different methods (env file vs command)

martindurant commented 4 years ago

You maybe want to add conda list --explicit into the build script, so you know exactly what package/channel/builds you are working with.

hdsingh commented 4 years ago

I explained this inconsistency in a comment in gitter.

martindurant commented 4 years ago

It would be better to keep the discussion on github, which is more easily searched by outsiders.

So it seems, things work with the conda-forge version, which is where xrviz is too, so I would accept unpinning and close the issue. Maybe @philippjfr can comment on the different versions (although it's unlikely to be hvplot, maybe bokeh or something else).

jhamman commented 4 years ago

Thanks folks! Can we also ask for a new release of xrviz too?

hdsingh commented 4 years ago

I made a release on PyPi. Latest conda-forge version would also be available soon.

philippjfr commented 4 years ago

The difference you describe is simply down to different Panel versions I think. I've seen a number of issues with xrviz I've been meaning to look at, I know @jsignell started fixing some issues but focused on getting hvplot released first.