Note: In Dataflow no exist a interface to edit SQL Stament.
Download from "Clients Dataflow" code of Entity "Cases" this code is M Code(powerquery). Open a New PowerBI Desktop to paste the code as New Get data, editor advance I can see in SQL Statement.
Edit SQL Query to grab new field: roundup_nicotine_usage. I can find the name of the field with Inspect in Chrome in the CRM interface.
Note: In SQL apply transformations to -1 and 1 (No and Yes values).
Validate the new PowerQuery.
Copy the PowerQueryCode (with the new column) to the "Client Dataflow".
Save and Refresh.
Import New Field into Main Roundup Tab of Fears Reports.
Change was applied for FEARS and ONDER Firms. Pending approval from HK. This was applied in the Hidden Tab "DEMO FN/MWD - Roundup" and "DEMO Onder - Roundup".
Note: In Dataflow no exist a interface to edit SQL Stament.
. I can find the name of the field with Inspect in Chrome in the CRM interface. Note: In SQL apply transformations to -1 and 1 (No and Yes values).