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Amanda: Create Talc Decline Leads with Reason report #583

Closed jesusitd closed 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Off of data sweep talc decline leads perhaps. Needs to go through approval

Amanda: I need the talc leads status = Does not qualify, decline reason, cancer diagnosis 1 and 2 (include the dates) deceased yes or no, with date of death and cause of death, tubal ligation yes or no and tubal ligation date

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Released report for approval: View - Leads Basic Information

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Amanda: Importing fields: Injured Party Deceased Cause of Death Tubal Ligation Date

Howard: Import all colorful table from Clients (Bay) Cases Talc Details into this report. Notes: hk 8/6/2020

Leads Talc Details like Cases Talc Details

HK TALC Bring everything into the right cannot ALL USAGE ALL EVERYTHING, NO NEGOTIATION

Amanda: Tubal Ligation data Deceased ...

DQ Reason field, maybe in a star No Email No Address Keep phone next to url URL all the way to the left

Next phase Lead Form vs Intake LEAD FORM NOTES

jesusitd commented 3 years ago
Column Label Column Name Imported / Calculated
Year First Used Talc Usage Start Year Talcum Powder Usage Start Year
Year Discontinued Talc Usage Discontinued Year SQL
Years Used talc_usage_years Talcum Powder Usage Years
Usage Frequency Talc Usage Duration Frequency Times Label SQL x2
Usage Duration Talc Usage Duration Frequency SQL
Months Used per Year Talc Usage Months per Year SQL
Total Years Used Prior to Diagnosis Talc Usage Before Diagnosis Calc! 👍
Total Times Used Prior to Diagnosis Talc Usage Applications Before Diagnosis Calc! 👍
Total Lifetime Applications Talc Usage Total Applications Calc! 👍
Had Tubal Ligation Talc Tubal Ligation Talcum Powder Tubal Ligation
Tubal Ligation Date Talc Tubal Ligation Date SQL
Total Usage Year Prior Tubal Ligation Talc Usage Before Tubal Ligation Calc! 👍
Applications Prior Tubal Ligation Talc Usage Applications Before Tubal Ligation Calc! 👍
Tubal Ligation Years Prior to DX Talc Tubal Ligation Latency Until DX Label Calc! 👍
Cancer Diagnosis 1 talc_diagnosis1_cancer_type Talcum Powder Diagnosis 1 Cancer Type
Diagnosis Date 1 Talc Cancer 1 Diagnosis Date Talcum Powder Diagnosis 1 Date
Cancer Stage 1 Talcum Cancer 1 Stage SQL
Age at Diagnosis 1 Talcum Cancer 1 Age of Diagnosis Talcum Powder Diagnosis 1 Age
Cancer Treatment Surgery 1 Talcum Cancer 1 Treatment Surgery Type SQL
Cancer Diagnosis 2 talc_diagnosis2_cancer_type Talcum Powder Diagnosis 2 Cancer Type
Diagnosis Date 2 Talc Cancer 2 Diagnosis Date Talcum Powder Diagnosis 2 Date
Cancer Stage 2 Talcum Cancer 2 Stage SQL
Age at Diagnosis 2 Talcum Cancer 1 Age of Diagnosis Talcum Powder Diagnosis 2 Age
Cancer Treatment Surgery 2 Talcum Cancer 2 Treatment Surgery Type SQL
Chemo Start talc_treatment1_chemo_date_start SQL
Type of Surgery Talc Surgery Facility Type of Surgery SQL
Deceased Talc Injured Party Deceased SQL
Deceased Date Injured Party Deceased Date SQL
Cause of Death Talcum Cause of Death SQL
Deceased State Injured Party Deceased State SQL
Death SOL Blown Death SOL Blown
Family Cancer History Talc Family Cancer Diagnosis SQL
BRCA Testing Talc BRCA Testing SQL
BRCA Results Talc BRCA Results SQL
Birth Control Pills Talc Birth Control Pills SQL
Endometriosis Talc Endometriosis SQL
Fertility Medication Talc Fertility Medication SQL
Hormone Therapy Talc Hormone Therapy SQL

Added Calcs:

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Published report. image
