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LeadConduit: Route PID 3000 Campaign Ad Set and Ad ID to new fields in CRM #609

Closed jesusitd closed 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Hernia Mesh:

Previously: image

Now: image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Roundup flow now: image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Similar FORM POST routing for all Talc, Hernia and Roundup flows: image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Talcum 3000's field mappings: image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

@fedegarza I just changed the mappings of PID 3000 to start pulling CID, ASID and AID. Also, the flows are routing these firleds into Form POST.