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HK, PIDs: Include Packages Pending in Converted Definition and CPS Definition #621

Open jesusitd opened 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

JG Jesus Gonzalez Backup old Converted Leads measure.

Change Converted Leads measure definition to Calculate([Leads Count], FILTER(Leads, Leads[converted] || ( Leads[Packages Sent] > 0 ) ) )

and see what happens!! June 4, 2020, 5:31 PM

Reply CM Cesar Moncada Change was: Converted Leads = Calculate([Leads Count], FILTER(Leads, 'Leads'[converted] = TRUE || ( [Leads Retainer Sent] > 0 ) ) ) Edited June 5, 2020, 1:15 PM

Reply CM Cesar Moncada New: Converted Leads = CALCULATE ( [Leads Count], FILTER ( Leads, 'Leads'[converted] = TRUE || ( [Leads Retainer Sent] > 0 ) || 'Leads'[status] IN { "Intake_Interview_Complete_Complete_Pending_ESignature", "Intake_Interview_Complete_Pending_Retainer_Wet_Sig", "Intake_Interview_Complete_Pending_Wet_Sig_Retainer_VerificationQC" } ) ) June 12, 2020, 2:15 PM

Reply CM Cesar Moncada Email to HK approval was sent June 12, 2020, 2:16 PM
