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EG Meeting Notes 12/28/20 #654

Closed jesusitd closed 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

LeadConduit notification: 👍

Change LC Flows report Email template to break lines

LeadConduit Sync monitor: image Howard Green is not zipcode error This was solved by temporarily disabling the Last Event Reason related to zipcode. For some reason, Last Event Reason is wrongly calculated by the integration Add a column "In CRM" Yes No -> Added CRL URL 👍 TrustedForm error: no need to be counted as error -> Same solution as the one for zipcode error Last Event Reason is WRONG -> Patched to not include "continue" outcomes

LeadConduit Routing: Check too many unknowns --> Many calculations are lacking the Form POST Event WHY, maybe because of timeouts? mmm could be -> HELPED OUT :) DONE - ORIGINAL CAMPAIGN ID RETRY-SWEEP 🥇 Coded Updated Repo Put in Production Will help Unknown Rule/Campaign rates

Azure Functions: Try installing Hybrid Connections 🥇 It's okay to migrate things to Azure for as long as it doesn't take forever

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

This is now complete. Other notes are in #655
