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TV 2.0: Split dataset to take MasterSuppressionLists out #657

Closed jesusitd closed 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

This is motivated due to HK's request to better refresh times, consistently on a daily basis.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Created new dataset Intake Desk - Tort Vision 2.0 - MASTER LIST ONLY mounted in Operations to hold Duplicates Leads and Cases report.

With this, set up to refresh once a week, we are able to take the Suppression tables out of TV 2.0 dataset and reduce it's size from 130MB to 105MB. This should somehow improve TV 2.0 loading time.

Power Query diagnostics are still pending.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

CC @CesarITD Please read above. A new dataset was created for Duplicate Leads and Cases alone.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Cloase by 1/17/21.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

DONE. Will continue with other workloads.