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TV 2.0: Opportunities of Improvement #658

Closed jesusitd closed 3 years ago

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Take some data points + reports out.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

SuppressionLists and SuppressionTypes

Going to be plain deleted image image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

All Ads tables

~~Created dataset Intake Desk - Tort Vision 2.0 - LEAD VENDORS, to hold data for: (all updated and deleted old version from workspace)

Allowing to delete:

With small intervention on (thanks PBIX PY Analyzer):

NOW WE CAN DELETE THE TABLES 💯 -> Deleted 1/19/21.

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Meetings (meeting reason) from Excel

It lives only in Callbacks reports, which is not being used at all: image

The data point is now deprecated, by deleting the query MeetingReasons which used to be merged into Meetings table.

This used to be the old file: C:\Users\jesus\Intakedesk LLC\Power BI Documentation - Power BI Desktop Files\Callback Reasons Classification.xlsx, and now it was moved to C:\Users\jesus\Intakedesk LLC\Power BI Documentation - Power BI Desktop Files\PBI_Import\backup\Callback Reasons Classification.xlsx for archive.

The report Callbacks Reports had to be modified due to a Visual: image

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Quickbooks Payments

Not being used anywhere. The whole table is going to be deleted. image

Deleted QuickbooksPayments table.

Old file: "C:\Users\jesus\Intakedesk LLC\Power BI Documentation - Power BI Desktop Files\PBI_Import\QB_Payments_20190101_20191220.xlsx". Archived now in "C:\Users\jesus\Intakedesk LLC\Power BI Documentation - Power BI Desktop Files\PBI_Import\backup\QB_Payments_20190101_20191220.xlsx".

jesusitd commented 3 years ago

Done. CC @CesarITD

Uploaded final file: image