intamixx / matnn

Matnn (Music Audio Tagger Neural Net) is a rest compliant music tag service utilizing a batch queuing system (Kueue) running on a Kubernetes cluster. Matnn utilizes the (Discogs-EffNet) model from (Essentia) to predict music classification, BPM (Beats per minute) and tonal/key scale from over 400 genres of music.
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Checking "Musicnn" option causes errors and submission to fail #1

Open gingerbeardman opened 1 week ago

gingerbeardman commented 1 week ago

If I check the "Musicnn" option I get errors:

Request failed with status code 400

Screen shot 2024-06-28 at 15 33 52

After that I see an overlay with:

Uncaught runtime errors:

ERROR undefined is not an object (evaluating 'delete tagobj.tags.genre_musicnn') handleMusicnnCheckboxChange@ callWithErrorHandling@ callWithAsyncErrorHandling@ invoker@

Thanks for this very useful service!

intamixx commented 1 week ago

Thanks, yes was aware of the vue app issue caused after a 400 (bad request) occurs. I have put in a quick window reload if an error occurs to quickly reload the page and reset the form variables. There is a basic html version of the form at if that suits better.

gingerbeardman commented 1 week ago

My issue was more that every time I select "Musicnn" I get the 400 error. Is that expected?

intamixx commented 1 week ago

I can't recreate the error (i've tried 2 different browsers), is it only happening with that checkbox or the others as well? I get a 400 error as you have shown if I click on the submit button without specifying a file.

gingerbeardman commented 1 week ago

Here's a screen recording




intamixx commented 1 week ago

Hello, Thanks, I can see the multer field is too long (when everything is checked) as only one model (musicnn or discogs-effnet) can be used when submitting a job for an audiofile.

I've added a check and message for this to prevent both from being checked when the submit button is clicked.

gingerbeardman commented 1 week ago

Oh, right! It would make sense if those two were radio buttons instead of check marks?

intamixx commented 1 week ago

yes that would be better! I wasn't sure if the musicnn model was staying as its not been updated in a few years. its been useful as an alternative model during testing.

gingerbeardman commented 1 week ago

I'm getting more pleasing genres from musicnn in my limited testing

but i'm not wedded to either at this point