integralfx / MemTestHelper

C# WPF to automate HCI MemTest
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Unclear wording regarding testing OCCT VRAM (what?) #89

Open Motophan opened 3 months ago

Motophan commented 3 months ago

For AMD, run Prime95 Large FFTs and OCCT VRAM with max utilization simultaneously to stress the FCLK and ensure FCLK stability. This should be run after any frequency/FCLK change.

This is not clear to me.

Does this mean

image Does this mean I am suppose to stress my... GPU?

From this sentence I interpret this in the following ways

  1. Literally -> run a vram (gpu) stress (this seems like the incorrect thing to do for a system memory overclock)
  2. Run prime95 large FFT and OCCT Memory -> This gives a OOM since prime95 is programmed to use all the memory it can and wont complete
  3. Like 2. but set OCCT to 45% memory and prime95 to 45% memory (copy data from large fft but change memory)

Could this language be cleared up?

Possible fixation

For AMD, run Prime95 Large FFTs and OCCT VRAM (stressing GPU memory will stress infinity fabric) with max utilization simultaneously to stress the FCLK and ensure FCLK stability. This should be run after any frequency/FCLK change.

Please feel free to close this issue after making a note that I should have interpreted this literally if that is the case, however its interesting that a user is expected to stress a gpu for stressing memory coupling

Motophan commented 3 months ago

When I run prime95 large fft and occt memory stress, occt crashes after a while at any voltage or frequency. Prime95 will complete for 2 hours (did not try longer) without errors large fft. OCCT memory will complete 1 hour (did not try longer).

However when I run both I get crashes (app level, system continues to run) all the way down to 2333 MHz :(

MicaLovesKPOP commented 1 month ago

You read it correctly. Run Prime95 Large FFT, and simultaneously run OCCT VRAM at the maximum utilization percentage. As the quoted text states, the OCCT VRAM test is to stress test the Infinity Fabric (AKA your FCLK setting). if you get WHEA errors during this test, your Infinity Fabric is most likely unstable.

Hope that helps.