integrallis / stripe_event

Stripe webhook integration for Rails applications.
MIT License
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Rspec undefined method 'post' #40

Closed dhf0820 closed 9 years ago

dhf0820 commented 9 years ago

I am having a problem running rspec with this gem. My route is: Cap::Application.routes.draw do

mount StripeEvent::Engine => '/stripe_events'

I am attempting to run this test:

describe 'customer.created' do before do stub_event 'evt_customer_created' end

it 'is successful' do
  post '/stripe_events', id: 'evt_customer_created'
  expect(response.code).to eq '200'
  # Additional expectations...


And I have this in my initializer: StripeEvent.configure do |events|

Clearly you'll be doing something meaningful here...

but we're logging for explanatory purposes.


Watch the logs while your tests run:

$ tail -f log/test.log

# events.subscribe 'customer.created' do |event| '_' event '_' end

events.all end

and I get this result: Failure/Error: post '/stripe_events', id: 'evt_customer_created' NoMethodError: undefined method `post' for #RSpec::ExampleGroups::BillingEvents::CustomerCreated:0x0000010cb4f868

I can put anything after the post and get the same result. What am I missing.

Don French

bsbodden commented 9 years ago

Sounds like the post method might not be available in the scope of your tests. If the spec is not under spec/controllers you need to include them (as in include RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup)