integrations / slack

Bring your code to the conversations you care about with GitHub's integration for Slack
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Abuse rate limits #359

Open bkeepers opened 6 years ago

bkeepers commented 6 years ago

And so it begins…

HttpError: {
  "documentation_url": "",
  "message": "You have triggered an abuse detection mechanism. Please wait a few minutes before you try again."

  File "/app/node_modules/@octokit/rest/lib/request/request.js", line 73, in IncomingMessage.response.on
    reject(new HttpError(data, response.statusCode, response.headers))
  File "events.js", line 111, in emitNone
  File "events.js", line 208, in IncomingMessage.emit
  File "_stream_readable.js", line 1055, in endReadableNT
  File "internal/process/next_tick.js", line 138, in _combinedTickCallback

Unfortunately the exception is not super helpful about what is trigger this error. We're going to be seeing a lot of these over time, so it'll be important that we have a good strategy for handling them:

ajendrex commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm using this integration to have PRs creation notified in a slack channel, but some PRs are never notified; can that be related to this issue?

wilhelmklopp commented 6 years ago

@ajendrex the reason for that was likely replication lag which was addressed in #494