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Personal Notifications #380

Open tecnobrat opened 6 years ago

tecnobrat commented 6 years ago

Perhaps this is already possible but I'm just not aware.

I would love if I could receive a private message from the Github bot when I've been notified on one of my organizations repos.

Basically, I don't want to have to watch my email for when someone is @mentioning me on github for work. I would rather those be rolled up into a private message from the Github bot.

Configuration around this so that I could only see notifications for my organizations' repos or all repos would be the ultimate.

joeyfezster commented 4 years ago

I just set this up just like @littlehome-eugene stated, and tested it by creating a comment with a @mention in a file in a random commit (for example here). Slack does not notify.

joeyfezster commented 4 years ago

For anyone on the team:

As a remote team, we rely on comments left on random commits with mentions just like this one. This is super important for our workflow, and yet the functionality is buggy/flaky/incomplete.

A comment with a mention like that one is virtually invisible except if someone sends you a link to it. Not the GHMobile app nor the integration mention above notify my for these comments, despite both being properly configued

Please help

kc1116 commented 4 years ago

Can you enable real time alerts on an organization level?

ashokirla commented 3 years ago

@kc1116 When you say organization level, I assume you want to push real time notifications to slack channels. This can be achieved today by subscribing to organization directly from slack channel. Isn't that helping in your case.

karfau commented 3 years ago

It's also possible that @kc1116 is referring to the following scenario (which is a paintpoint we also have): We want that every dev in our team or org receives personal notifications from the github integration (somehow it seems to be possible via personal scheduled reminders, don't ask for details yet, when I figure them out I'll update here), but we want to not wait until every developer has configured that on her/his own but want to configure it for everybody, ideally even for everybody that is joining the team/org.

ahill187 commented 3 years ago

Why am I not getting slack notification

I can see that slack workspace is connected . But no channel or my id is not specified, how does github notify me through slack when it doesn't know which channel it's going to use to talk to me?

Screen Shot 2020-08-16 at 2 43 33 PM

This is a good start, would it be possible also to add an option to get the status of your open pull requests? Under Review requests assigned to you, a third option such as Your open pull requests.

Also, I like the scheduling, but the old Pull Reminders had a command in Slack which allowed you to list any of these types of notifications. For example, you could type /some-command and it would list all your open pull requests ad hoc.

0xdevalias commented 3 years ago

It seems that the feature only works for public repositories, unless you upgrade to a paid plan. While I do understand the desire for the upsell, as a mostly open-source project that happens to track our backlog in a private repo, this means that most of the times where realtime @mention support would be useful, isn't possible for us.


If we were able to enable it via this integration, then we could have the best of both worlds. So would still be a super useful feature to get added.

Kishan1311 commented 3 years ago


Hi all, what should I write in this text field to get notified about failed CI checks. I tried: ci/circleci: compatibility-tests but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance

Habitats commented 3 years ago

Is this the right place to follow the progress on getting notified on @mentions in issues and not just @mentions in PRs?

It's extremely frustrating to not get slack notifications on issues as well, so we're really looking forward to that one!

terrynguyen255 commented 3 years ago

Please make "personalized notifications" happen :pray: :pray: :pray:

Obsecurus commented 3 years ago

For anyone else landing here I just found Toast - and it fixes this problem although $4/mo per user after 3 users on private repos. I'm guessing Microsoft will acquire them like they did with pullpanda.

acoudouy commented 3 years ago

Hey for anyone looking for better notifications on pull requests and working on Slack, we recently launched our beta on Axolo. The beta is free.

Axolo creates temporary Slack channels, invite only people that should be, and sends all Github notifications in their dedicated channels. You can select/unselect which kind of Github Action or Deployment you want to receive too (success, error, pending, ...). I'm looking for feedback so feel free to contact me! Thanks

fredrikaverpil commented 2 years ago

I just found realtime, personal notifications under my org. Is this new? (click the edit/pen icon)


This is everything I ever wanted.

Habitats commented 2 years ago

@fredrikaverpil problem is that doesn't work for mentions on issues -- which is the entire problem :\

fredrikaverpil commented 2 years ago

Ah, darn... right. One can only hope the only reason we are not seeing them in the list there is because of GitHub still rolling out the new issues system.

kostecky commented 2 years ago

Please make personalized notifications happen! Specifically @mentions going to slack DMs!

kc1116 commented 2 years ago

It's also possible that @kc1116 is referring to the following scenario (which is a paintpoint we also have): We want that every dev in our team or org receives personal notifications from the github integration (somehow it seems to be possible via personal scheduled reminders, don't ask for details yet, when I figure them out I'll update here), but we want to not wait until every developer has configured that on her/his own but want to configure it for everybody, ideally even for everybody that is joining the team/org.

This is exactly what I was referring to.

emekdahl-palmetto commented 2 years ago

bump on at mentions for slack subscriptions

lmossman commented 2 years ago

Bumping this - slack notifications for @mentions on github issues is greatly desired. Please let us know if this is being worked on!

tedspare commented 2 years ago

Notifications for @mentions on issues work in on macOS:

Self-plug but it seems a great number of us experience this!

angalic commented 2 years ago

Bump @mentions on github issues.

chrisalbrecht commented 2 years ago

+1 for supporting @mentions on Github issues.

gazreyn commented 2 years ago

+1 on this one. Super useful when we have team members who don't keep as on top of emails as they should but ever since Slack Notifications has never been late for a meeting. Would love to be able to send DM's when mentioned on an issue comment.

shridharpuntambekar-okta commented 2 years ago

+1 for this issue. I am surprised this request has been open for four years now especially when the company providing the specific functionality was merged with GitHub! This functionality is a MUST to sort through the clutter of "Scheduled Notifications". Please consider this feature request on priority.

aasiddiq commented 2 years ago

Hi folks From what I understand this request was for supporting @ mentions in issues and comments. This feature was added few months back, you can read more about it in Readme. If you are facing any issue in using the feature feel free to reopen this.

wmertens commented 1 year ago

@aasiddiq how is the mentioning supposed to work? I get the correct @ in slack when I'm added as a reviewer, but I don't get a notification when someone mentions me in a comment. Am I supposed to do some personal subscribe somewhere?

aasiddiq commented 1 year ago

@wmertens to get comment notification you need to subscribe to the comments feature as well. You can check the current subscription in the channel using

/github subscribe list features

and subscribe to comments using

/github subscribe <org/repo> comments

wmertens commented 1 year ago

@aasiddiq but that will put all comments in Slack right?

Am I understanding correctly that there's no way to get a private notification when you're mentioned?

gazreyn commented 1 year ago

Just following up with what @wmertens said. From what I can see, this will subscribe to all comments in the repo. Is there no way to subscribe only to comments where you're mentioned?

aasiddiq commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, no that is not an option right now.

NathanHazout commented 1 year ago

So this is not relevant to this thread which is about "personal notifications"?

Habitats commented 1 year ago

Please reopen this issue because it is obviously not solved, and clearly something a lot of the community is requesting.

aasiddiq commented 1 year ago

Apologies I misread the last few comments and assumed it is for @ mentioning rather then the personal notification when mentioned. The real time alerts under scheduled reminders will work for PRs when you are mentioned among other triggers. It does not work for issues yet. I am re-opening this for now.

daniellapZ commented 1 year ago

Bump on @mentions at the slake channel as part of the scheduled reminders! 🙆‍♀️ Will be a great help to track the discussions taking place without checking constantly your mail.

Is there any update where this effort stands? an ETA?

apolinario commented 1 year ago

I would love to get a notification every time I am mentioned anywhere on GitHub, essentially integrating this: with a private DM on Slack

smartinio commented 1 year ago

@aasiddiq Any ETA on when mentions on issues (like I just did) being sent to Slack will be implemented? I can sign an NDA and help build the integration for free if you don't have enough resources.

aasiddiq commented 1 year ago

Tagging @ashokirla for checking on the ask here

0xdevalias commented 1 year ago

I would love to get a notification every time I am mentioned anywhere on GitHub, essentially integrating this: with a private DM on Slack

This is basically what I would love to be able to do as well.

Here's the relevant GitHub API docs related to notifications:

We can list notifications for the current user, and could filter them with the since param:

It's also possible to scope this down to only be in terms of a specific repository:

Using GitHub actions, these are the following ways that we can trigger an action to run:

While it doesn't look like any of the event types we can use would allow us to trigger the GitHub action directly when a notification is received, we could poll the notifications endpoint using the schedule event (this would likely be best used as a fallback for cases not covered by the other more specific events):

There are also more specific event types that would let let our GitHub action be triggered sooner:

tedspare commented 1 year ago

@0xdevalias you're describing the architecture of Neat 😅 (cc @apolinario)

0xdevalias commented 1 year ago

you're describing the architecture of Neat

@tedspare Ha, interesting.. Shame they've basically abandoned the project now though (with hopes/plans to open-source it 'at some point'). From the community slack:

Hey there @channel! We have a much-belated update Since starting 17 mo ago, over 2.2k engineers like you have now used Neat. As a team of four new grads, we opted to take the venture route, living on a $200k pre-seed round. And then we ran out. Now, to keep the Neat business running, we’ve pivoted to an agency model: This means our support of Neat the product will be minimized, and this Slack will wind down. We now believe more than ever that a more sustainable Neat 2.0 will be open-ended, open-source, and community-backed. In the meantime, we’ll prioritize bugfixes. Above all, we want to thank you for supporting us. Your input has impacted hundreds of others. If you liked Neat and want to work together, we’re open to building new products. I’ll be at :)

Edit: Just realised that you are the person who wrote that post on the community slack! So I guess.. hopefully it will get open-sourced soon ;)

smartinio commented 1 year ago

Tagging @ashokirla for checking on the ask here

@aasiddiq @ashokirla Hello again. Is there any plan for integrating this? Again, if there aren't enough resources, there are people here who would be able to help build this.