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Direct Message when a Review is Requested #382

Open philschatz opened 6 years ago

philschatz commented 6 years ago

Review Requests are a great way to get feedback and I use them daily but they quickly get lost/deleted in my email.

Currently, I use slackbot to remind me to check my "Reviews Requested" page but it would be awesome if I could opt-in to have the GitHub app send a Direct Message whenever a review was requested and then updated the message once I reviewed.

Maybe it could be enabled by sending a Direct Message to GitHub like the following: subscribe */* review-requests

The command I currently use is /remind me "Check" every day

ryandeussing commented 6 years ago

This should be configurable, e.g. users should be able to determine if they are notified in Slack for review requests, and how (message, message in a specific/special channel, or DM).

LandonSchropp commented 6 years ago

This would be awesome! Specifically, my team would like to have the following:

buzinas commented 6 years ago

Also, it'd be great to have the "Reviewers" section of an open PR just below the "Assignees" one:


abhishek1nair commented 6 years ago

Github explicitly has this event but I wonder why this has not been implemented. Even if the channel the bot posts to gets an update saying that review has been requested on certain PR it would be really helpful.

vintagepenguin commented 6 years ago

We were also interested in this functionality, but at the same time we started using Pull Reminders from the GitHub Marketplace.

Pull Reminders does DMs for review requests, which is cool but it was the periodic reminders for our team that we we really needed. Some guys on our team need consistent reminders instead of 1, and we wanted to control that, as well as having some of the reporting features.

hanzki commented 6 years ago

In our team, we use "request a review" in a way that people self-request themselves to pull requests. We have a slack channel for noticing opening of new pull requests and the one who decides to do the review gives others heads up there in order to avoid too many people reviewing the same PR at the same time. We would love to have the slack integration be able to show on the channel whenever someone adds themselves as a reviewer to a PR as that would automatically inform everyone.

EnixCoda commented 6 years ago

I implemented one on my own. And I've made its setup steps as simple as possible.

It makes my life much easier!

sebbean commented 5 years ago

seems like such a great thing to have in this integration!

abinoda commented 5 years ago

@sebbean Check out

You can subscribe to DM notifications for issue and pull request related events including:

I maintain Pull Reminders so if pricing is problematic for anyone, please email me at and I'd be happy to give your team a free account.

sebbean commented 5 years ago

@abinoda i'm using it! it's great! thank you so much.

is there a way to get reminders/notifications for when a PR has been approved? seems like the last piece of the workflow puzzle.

abinoda commented 5 years ago

@sebbean If you go under "My DM Settings" there should be an option for getting a DM when your PR is approved. We shouldn't clog up this issue with discussion so feel free to open an issue here.

take commented 5 years ago

any chance of this request being implemented by the officials? :eyes:

guillaume-eb commented 5 years ago

GitHub has acquired Pull Panda, the makers of the Pull Reminders app discussed above:

We plan to integrate these features into GitHub but hope you’ll start benefiting from them right away

liamhession commented 5 years ago

Should this be marked as closed now? I almost navigated away after Googling and ending up here because i assumed "Open" meant this wasn't yet possible. But then i found Pull Panda in the thread here

dennissivia commented 5 years ago

Thanks, everybody for your awesome input.

It is likely that we are going to add some functionality related to this to the official Slack integration independent of the pull reminders integration.

I have a quick question to everybody involved: Is this functionality required to be a "DM" or is anybody also looking for PR assignments in the regular channel subscription. This the core idea of this features seems "assigned to me" it seems as if DM is the core idea. Please let me know if there are other use-cases.

cc @philschatz @philschatz @ryandeussing for DM feedback

cc @LandonSchropp since your idea sounds more to be around "sending the assignment event to the channel and '@'-mention the user that is assigned directly or through a team membership".

Adding "reminders" is currently out of scope for the official Slack integration.

LandonSchropp commented 5 years ago

Since I posted that message, we've started using Pull Reminders, which does exactly what we needed. When someone is assigned a PR review, it sends them a DM directly letting them know.

kkozmic commented 4 years ago

Is this functionality required to be a "DM" or is anybody also looking for PR assignments in the regular channel subscription.

For my team either one is fine. We want to bring the fact that someone was requested as a reviewer to their attention on Slack - we're not too fussed about how it gets delivered, so whatever is easier to implement we'd be happy with @scepticulous

christhekeele commented 4 years ago

Is this functionality required to be a "DM" or is anybody also looking for PR assignments in the regular channel subscription.

I prefer the channel-orientated vector (allowing for round-robin, pick-up PRs within specific teams) but not too put off if that's not available out of the gates

sregg commented 4 years ago

It seems that Pull Reminders/Pull Panda have been removed from the market place, is there any update the having this feature in the official app, or any new alternatives?

gerbus commented 4 years ago

Yeah. Do I now have to wait until this has been integrated with Github? Is there a timeline estimate?

coilysiren commented 4 years ago

ping @dennissivia @abinoda this feature is very high value for our workflows at work, can we please get an update on what's going on here? I see there's a PR implementing this feature here =>

coilysiren commented 4 years ago

@tebriel @wilhelmklopp @jules2689

this feature is very high value for our workflows at work, can we please get an update on what's going on here? I see there's a PR implementing this feature here => #861

Kaylee-Cole commented 4 years ago

That's good

tekstrand commented 4 years ago

Would love to see this feature. A great alternative to having to subscribe to a whole repo where hundreds of committers across multiple teams are contributing. The noise would be too much. This feature would solve that!

sregg commented 4 years ago

We ended up using Toast for our team:

Works great and supports direct messages to requested reviewers among other features.

willsmythe commented 4 years ago

The plan is to add this and many of the other Pull Panda DM features to GitHub in the next month or two. Once available, you'll be able to configure them via your GitHub settings page. Watch the GitHub blog for updates.

coilysiren commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much for the info @willsmythe! It would have been nice to have gotten an update on this earlier, but I super appreciate you letting us know now 🙏

fej-snikduj commented 4 years ago

Any update on this @willsmythe?

tebriel commented 4 years ago you can sign up the beta is open!

kkozmic commented 4 years ago you can sign up the beta is open!

This looks to be missing two basic features (yes, I know it's a preview):

tebriel commented 4 years ago

@kkozmic thanks, I know it's not perfect. I'm taking a note of your feedback and sharing it with Product.

freakyfelt commented 4 years ago

My team uses the DM upon review requested/review approved feature in Pull Panda and it seems that today they are blocking new signups. Digging through the official integration docs I still don't see this as an option. Am I correct in that assumption?

EDIT: Nevermind, I missed that the scheduled reminders beta is what would include the DM capability

ashafer01 commented 4 years ago

Similar to this, I'd like to be able to map an org team to the Slack channel for those team members, and have review requests sent to that channel.

yoadfe commented 4 years ago

How can we enable real-time alerts to all of the team ? instead of having each team members enable it for himself.

tebriel commented 4 years ago

@ashafer01 You can have team-based scheduled reminders, I think this document describes what you're looking for.

@yoadfe realtime reminders are currently only available for individual users to configure. I'll pass the idea of enabling realtime for an entire group of people on to product.

obahareth commented 4 years ago

Pull Assigner and Pull Reminders will be retired on October 14, 2020. Migrate to code review assignment and scheduled reminders to continue using these tools.

This feature is the primary reason we use PullReminders, we don't use anything scheduled, just regular reminders in DMs from PullReminders, but we're being asked to migrate to Scheduled Reminders without an alternative for this feature. Could we please extend the deadline for retiring Pull Reminders until this feature is added to this integration?

tebriel commented 4 years ago

@obahareth You can receive direct message reminders from "scheduled reminders" (there are live reminders, we call them 'personal reminders') in your user setting: If you Enable real-time alerts you can get direct messages about PRs assigned to you. Is this what you're asking for? Personal Reminders Settings

obahareth commented 4 years ago

@tebriel This works but from my attempts/understanding I have to ask every member to enable it for themselves right? If my understanding is correct, is a little different than Pull Reminders where I could set the default setting for the whole organization.

tebriel commented 4 years ago

@obahareth yes, it is different from the setup in Pull Reminders. I've forwarded your feedback to the product lead for scheduled reminders.

EtienneM commented 4 years ago

I encountered issues a few times with this feature where my team mate never received the notification asking him for the review. I also never received the notification when he merged the PR. I can send the PR in DM if needed to help debug the issue.

zaverden commented 4 years ago

I cannot set up scheduled reminders for my case. May be somebody has an advice for me?

I'm in outsourcing team and we were added to to work in some private repos.

I cannot connect to workspace, because nobody will grant me this high permission in organization (because of clear security concerns).

And client's admins cannot do this because they are not a part of

What is a expected way to set up reminder in this case? Am I missing some documentation on it?

tebriel commented 4 years ago

@zaverden I don't believe scheduled reminders supports this use case, could you open an issue at to track that concern? 🙇🏻

C-E-Rios commented 3 years ago

It's a shame that the best features from the original Pull Reminders slack integration have gotten lost in the transition to GitHub. As many others have said, allowing for team members to receive a private message on Slack when they've been added as a reviewer to a pull request is super useful! Pull reminders gave us this in a really straight forward way, with minimal setup. Can we have this back please?

ashokirla commented 3 years ago

@C-E-Rios We understand your concern. We are currently looking at improving personal notifications functionality. This includes when you are participating or assigned for prs, issues, releases and other activities in GitHub. Can we have a quick sync up call. We would like to understand your scenarios and share our plans for personal notifications story.

ashokirla commented 3 years ago

I cannot set up scheduled reminders for my case. May be somebody has an advice for me?

I'm in outsourcing team and we were added to to work in some private repos.

I cannot connect to workspace, because nobody will grant me this high permission in organization (because of clear security concerns).

And client's admins cannot do this because they are not a part of

What is a expected way to set up reminder in this case? Am I missing some documentation on it?

@zaverden Are you able to use our GitHub app in slack and subscribe to client-company org and get notifications. The prerequisites for schedule reminders are github app installed in slack, authorize slack to use repositories in your org. This is a one-time activity that can be done by org admin. After this you should be able to configure schedules on the slack workspace.

I am happy to get over a call discuss in detail.

zaverden commented 3 years ago

@ashokirla I cannot authorize my slack workspace in github org, because I don't have required permissions in client's github org. image

What will happen if github user who connected slack workspace is no longer admin in github org? does workspace continue to be connected? I may ask for temporal permission just to connect slack and to be removed right after that.

ashokirla commented 3 years ago

@zaverden Yes, it is a one time thing. You can ask your org admin to authorize slack on github or you can get permissions to configure it, get the create the schedule reminder and then get your access removed. However, if you want to add a new reminder the org settings page, you need to be admin on the org.

Are you configuring reminders for your personal app or for a channel. If you are doing it at a channel level, for an organization, we have Team level schedule reminders where you only need to be a Team admin. image

Restuta commented 3 years ago

There is an alternative (I know it's been mentioned before, but it's 2.0 now), we've been featured in Slack marketplace several times (and featured right now and recently released GitHub Analytics right in Slack on top of advanced notifications and all that.

Toast supports onboarding based on GitHub teams and default configuration for all teammates. We care about design and we care about the noise! Our team has an internal alert when somebody is over-notified and we review and improve based on those use-cases, continuously investing in the core product.

Aside from that Toast supports App Home, which is your personal review board and advanced Slack commands. We help everybody to not only review their own PRs, but also help unblock teammates and stay aware of what is going on in the team.

cc @obahareth

ssyberg commented 3 years ago

Wanted to add another use case here - as a eng manager, I like to know when a dev grabs a new issue off the queue, getting a slack alert of really any change to a project would be very useful!

nickfiacco-bolt commented 3 years ago

If I'm part of multiple teams, I can't configure real-time notifications to only send me notifications about a single team.