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Bring your code to the conversations you care about with the GitHub and Slack integration
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GitHub Enterprise support #565

Open bkeepers opened 6 years ago

bkeepers commented 6 years ago

From the README:

This app officially supports and but the team plans to support GitHub Enterprise and Slack Enterprise Grid in the future.

Our approach to GitHub enterprise support will be two-fold:

  1. Allow customers to run their own instance of the integration alongside their GitHub Enterprise installation

  2. Add support for GitHub Enterprise to the hosted integration

We have not current prioritized this work, but will consider it based on demand. Add a 👍 reaction to this issue to show your support.

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

Is this still relevant? If so, just comment with any updates and we'll leave it open. Otherwise, if there is no further activity, it will be closed.

madsid commented 5 years ago

Thanks for making this bot. Just checking if there are any updates on this? I am debating either to wait for the update or use an alternative ( we host our own enterprise GitHub)

bkeepers commented 5 years ago

@madsid, we're not actively working on this, but I reopening the issue since this is a feature that many others would like.

jeffj254 commented 5 years ago

This would definitely be very useful for those of us that run internal GHE but use

davesade commented 5 years ago

Add me to the waiting list or let us know, how this can be done otherwise. We are happy users of Slack and GitHub Enterprise, so it absolutely makes sense to allow users to choose their origin service, instead of static Afaik previous GitHub integration on Slack allowed to connect GHEE repos to it (iirc it was just a webhook between repo and Slack), so for many of us this is a must have feature. Thanks a lot in advance!

seangates commented 5 years ago


ponchieponcho commented 5 years ago

Would love for this feature to get attention. Posting github links in Slack doesn't format them at all until this is finished. I started building a Slack app that hits the Github API and I format the PRs myself at the moment.

seangates commented 5 years ago

Is there any progress on this integration? There are quite a few of us patiently waiting to empower our teams. Especially since some of us have thousands of developers who would benefit from it's capabilities.

tcbyrd commented 5 years ago

Since we built the integration as a workspace app and Slack is moving those features to bot tokens, it means the app won't work for Enterprise customers in its current form (you wouldn't be able to create the necessary Slack App). There's some refactoring needed to make this work with bot tokens, but then it should be much easier to setup. We don't have a timeline for completing this, but also if anyone wants to dive into the code and help out with that effort, feel free.

kconway-tangerine commented 5 years ago


Please add me to the list of persons interested in having this functionality. We use GitHub Enterprise and Slack. We would like to be able to start moving the notifications we generate out of email and into Slack where they will be managed more effectively.

We have seen that there is a Slack (Legacy Notification) app that is available and works with GHE. Our concern with that is that it requires that Slack authenticates into our GHE instance to see our repos. From a security perspective, it's a much easier conversation for us to initiate if GHE is managing what repositories are connected to Slack and under what events they send messages. We're anticipating that a GHE app would simply push messages to Slack.

We'll eagerly look forward to seeing some development on this.



yiwu1 commented 5 years ago

Please add me to the list of interested in having this also. I am not sure why slack APP "GitHub Notifications (Legacy)" will be retired as it is only GH webhook instead of GH service, we strongly suggest don't retire this Slack APP until alternative GH APP be born. Thanks!

galvesribeiro commented 5 years ago

Did anyone started working on this? Could we start it? It is really important to have support to GHE as the number of users of that deployment model just grow very quickly...

ponchieponcho commented 5 years ago

I posted in this thread back in October '18. This is still an issue for us and would like to hear from a dev if this will be implemented in the future.

galvesribeiro commented 5 years ago

I was contacted by the GHE representatives that pointed me to the old version of the extension. That is the only supported by GHE for now.

They are working on make the new version of the extension to work on GHE but no ETA yet, so unfortunatelly we have to stick with the old one for now...

muhammad-dewji-hs commented 5 years ago

Where can I find the old version of the extension?

galvesribeiro commented 5 years ago

On your slack apps, search for GitHub Notifications (Legacy)

That is the old one... It doesn't have the nice features from the new one but at least we have notifications...

silencev commented 5 years ago

My channel can receive the notification for commit, pull request..etc But failed to receive "Release" Did anyone receive the notification for "Release"?

klammm commented 5 years ago

Does the legacy codebase for Github Notifications(legacy) still exist for us to deep dive into and add support where we can?

I wanted to take a look and see if I can connect CODEOWNERS with the message notification system so certain users get pinged on Slack based on certain directory/file changes.

Dispader commented 5 years ago

Any way I could help here, folks?

jcarlson commented 4 years ago

Also very interested.

galvesribeiro commented 4 years ago

Did it ever went somewhere?

michael-basil commented 4 years ago


Efpophis commented 4 years ago

Please do this.

rturknett commented 4 years ago

This is currently the 2nd highest requested feature, and is two years old. I see that no commits have been made to this repo in 2020 so far, so it doesn't seem to be getting much attention.

Has anyone investigated what would be necessary to enable GitHub Enterprise support?

defel commented 4 years ago

@rturknett I did a short discovery over the code some months ago - it should not be a big problem to make this ready for GHE.

From what I understood only the URL has to be changed here:

And OAuth2 config here:


I had no time to test this out, yet - but maybe some other one did and can share some insights?

sunnypatel2141 commented 4 years ago

Please think about adding support in GHE. Most enterprises host their own GHE so it should be a natural next step to proceed with the integration with highest priority.

bar commented 4 years ago

🙏 This will make the lives of so many people so much easier that I can't explain it with words. I believe it is more important today more than ever.

chris-del commented 3 years ago

Hi there, adding a vote for this as well; it would go a long way for us since we use, but host our own GHE.

barlock commented 3 years ago

I opened a PR to allow for a self-hosted option that supports GHE

heathsnow commented 3 years ago

My organization recently upgraded to Enterprise SaaS and we lost functionality with this integration. Normally I would expect to see more options with an upgrade so this is very dissapointing.

Please don't let this languish unsolved much longer.

deeparavirdc commented 2 years ago

Has there been any movement on this one ? With everyone here that this is the most anticipated feature and would be super helpful !

sgoldgar commented 1 year ago

This is something the teams at my organization would really like as well! Specifically looking for a way to subscribe to alerts in Slack for a Github repo and then filter those alerts based on team or label. A lot of our teams work in a monorepo, so just getting an alert every time there's a pull request opened is really noisy.

ashokirla commented 1 year ago

Hi all 👋 ,

We are planning to rollout GHES integration as part of GHES 3.6. We have completed the implementation and waiting for 3.6 release (mid August).

This will be a private preview, where interested customers can enrol for the preview. We will help you with the onboarding process. Will share more details once we are close to the release date.

Those who are interested in private preview, please reach out to us at Your early feedback will help us in improving the app and GA announcement.

sgoldgar commented 1 year ago

Hi all 👋 ,

We are planning to rollout GHES integration as part of GHES 3.6. We have completed the implementation and waiting for 3.6 release (mid August).

This will be a private preview, where interested customers can enrol for the preview. We will help you with the onboarding process. Will share more details once we are close to the release date.

Those who are interested in private preview, please reach out to us at Your early feedback will help us in improving the app and GA announcement.

@ashokirla this is amazing! So excited for this feature. I would love for us to do private preview, but I think our GHE team would prefer to wait for the GA announcement. Is there any estimate on when that would be?

ashokirla commented 1 year ago

@sgoldgar Given the time a customer takes to upgrade to GHES, we are planning to give another 3-4 months for feedback before we plan for GA. So, at this point, GHES 3.8 is the possible timeline for GA.

Having said that, the main goal of private preview is to get customer feedback. We dont have any concerns about the product functionality as it is being used already in GHEC. But, since it is onprem, the main feedback we are looking for is the in terms for integration and configuration. So, I request you to tryout our integration and let us know if you have any concerns. There are more chances of addressing your feedback right now rather than post GA.

sgoldgar commented 1 year ago

@sgoldgar Given the time a customer takes to upgrade to GHES, we are planning to give another 3-4 months for feedback before we plan for GA. So, at this point, GHES 3.8 is the possible timeline for GA.

Having said that, the main goal of private preview is to get customer feedback. We dont have any concerns about the product functionality as it is being used already in GHEC. But, since it is onprem, the main feedback we are looking for is the in terms for integration and configuration. So, I request you to tryout our integration and let us know if you have any concerns. There are more chances of addressing your feedback right now rather than post GA.

Thank you for that info @ashokirla! I passed it along to our admins and will see if that changes anything :)

gillycheesesteak commented 10 months ago

@ashokirla Since its been about a year since the last update, could you provide any new information on this feature going GA?

dennishenry commented 4 months ago

@ashokirla Are there any updates on the work to GA support for Enterprise SaaS?

aaronmcohen commented 2 months ago

Any news?