integritee-network / pallets

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add storage migration teerex V1->V2 #226

Closed brenzi closed 10 months ago

brenzi commented 10 months ago

tested against rococo and kusama:

./target/release/integritee-collator try-runtime   --chain integritee-rococo   --runtime ./target/release/wbuild/integritee-runtime/integritee_runtime.wasm   on-runtime-upgrade --checks=all   live --uri wss://
2023-09-15 13:54:01 replacing wss:// in uri with https://: "" (ws is currently unstable for fetching remote storage, for more see    
2023-09-15 13:54:01 since no at is provided, setting it to latest finalized head, 0xb495449e0d711cc5f03524f956b6c81c3fdb57936894899715f81c5584d156fd    
2023-09-15 13:54:01 since no prefix is filtered, the data for all pallets will be downloaded    
2023-09-15 13:54:01 scraping key-pairs from remote at block height 0xb495449e0d711cc5f03524f956b6c81c3fdb57936894899715f81c5584d156fd    
2023-09-15 13:54:02 Querying a total of 2347 keys from prefix , splitting among 4 threads, 587 keys per thread    
2023-09-15 13:54:02 inserting keys progress = 25% [586 / 2347]    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 inserting keys progress = 50% [1173 / 2347]    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 inserting keys progress = 75% [1760 / 2347]    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 inserting keys progress = 100% [2347 / 2347]    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 adding data for hashed prefix: , took 1s    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 adding data for hashed key: 3a636f6465    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 adding data for hashed key: 26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef7f9cce9c888469bb1a0dceaa129672ef8    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 adding data for hashed key: 26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef702a5c1b19ab7a04f536c519aca4983ac    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 initialized state externalities with storage root 0xd50b2839677f9363192c4079ea5b57e87bc33cfbd4c9bcfca45a8028273dba57 and state_version V0    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 original spec: RuntimeString::Owned("integritee-parachain")-37, code hash: 91b3dad54a4ddb857dfd7932d1ceeac5ed8d90b965368843017f14f60e9bf278    
2023-09-15 13:54:03 new spec: RuntimeString::Owned("integritee-parachain")-38, code hash: 692fcb49b812a1b0019dfd7a023fa777de6b7365a52b886215380f5bb153eae5    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV1: 0 v0 enclaves are present before eventual upgrade    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV1: SGX debug mode was allowed pre_upgrade: false    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV1: Running migration with current storage version StorageVersion(1) / onchain StorageVersion(1)    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV1: skipping on_runtime_upgrade: executed on same or newer storage version.    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV1: migration was skipped because onchain version was greater or equal to the target version of this migration step    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV2: TCB info for 3 fmspc entries will be purged    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 teerexV2: Running migration with current storage version StorageVersion(2) / onchain StorageVersion(1)    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 ⚠️ ParachainSystem declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `StorageVersion(2)` vs current storage version `StorageVersion(2)`    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 ⚠️ XcmpQueue declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `StorageVersion(3)` vs current storage version `StorageVersion(2)`    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 ⚠️ PolkadotXcm declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `StorageVersion(0)` vs current storage version `StorageVersion(1)`    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 ⚠️ DmpQueue declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `StorageVersion(2)` vs current storage version `StorageVersion(1)`    
2023-09-15 13:54:04 TryRuntime_on_runtime_upgrade executed without errors. Consumed weight = (925000000 ps, 0 byte), total weight = (500000000000 ps, 5242880 byte) (0.18 %, 0.00 %).  
brenzi commented 10 months ago

good point. it will be logged for sure, but our log filtering might miss it. I'll re-add the target so we double-mention teerex