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Do anyone use the drone for visual-inertial odometey/slam research? #348

Open zxp771 opened 6 years ago

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

I‘m wondering how can I get the GPS data and IMU date from the drone. I want use the drone to do some development and research in visual inertial odometry/slam. These data is very important and it better to get these data and the video data in time synchronization condition.

zehortigoza commented 6 years ago

MAVLink, check examples here: Just modify to get the messages that you want:

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @zehortigoza

Thanks for your help. I know how to get those data now it's easy by ros. But I still have some question. 1.Could I change the imu operating frequency by myself.I record the imu/data it seems like its operating frequency is 50hz. I'm wondering if the imu can reach 100 or 200hz. because for most visual-inertial algorithms the data should be collect in this frequency. can I do the extrinsic parameter calibration(camera between imu)? 3.Does the imu and camera data I get from ros should in synchronization condition?I use rosbag fuction to record these data.

Thanks for your help again.

szebedy commented 6 years ago

@zxp771 I am also trying to make visual-inertial odometry work on the intel aero RTF. I have tried ROVIO and SVO 2.0. From my experience the aero compute board does not have enough computational power to run ROVIO, but it can run SVO 2.0 for me.

  1. With mavros it should be possible to increase the rate of the imu data using the mavros/set_stream_rate service. I tried increasing and decreasing the rate as well, unfortunately without success.

You have two possibilities to do so: In a terminal: rosservice call /mavros/set_stream_rate 1 200 1 In C++:

#include <mavros_msgs/StreamRate.h>

    ros::ServiceClient stream_rate_client;
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    stream_rate_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::StreamRate>("/mavros/set_stream_rate");

    mavros_msgs::StreamRate streamRate;
    streamRate.request.stream_id = 1;
    streamRate.request.message_rate = 200;
    streamRate.request.on_off = true;;

For me none of these worked, have no idea why. Let me know if you made it.

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @szebedy Thanks for your advise. I'll try these methods and will get the result back to you. I have some more question. you said you use the svo2.0 on your drone. which camera you use for it?how do you get the intrinsic parameters for the camera? Do you try other visual/visual-inertial algorithm like ORB-SLAM,VINS-mono? Thanks for your help again.

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @szebedy

I tried both of the methods you told me but none of them work. Do you have some new idea? BTW have you done the extrinsic calibration between the imu and camera?

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @szebedy I just make it by use this command in terminal"rosrun mavros mavcmd long 511 105 10000 0 0 0 0 0" to boom up the imu rate to 100hz.but actually I don't know the meaning of "10000 0 0 0 0 0" I want to boom up the rate to 200hz for the extrinsic calibration.(I use the software which named kalibr:

lbegani commented 6 years ago

Do you try other visual/visual-inertial algorithm like ORB-SLAM,VINS-mono?

@zxp771 I have tried running VINS-MONO. I have used bottom facing camera and BMI160 IMU sensor. The output was visualized in Rviz. I am yet to integrate it with MAVROS to send MAVLink messages to flight stack. VINS-MONO does auto calibration for IMU-Camera extrinsic parameters.

mthz commented 6 years ago

@zxp771 haven't found a way via mavros, but you can boost the mavros IMU-Rate from the a nuttx shell

option 1) via (if i remember correct its from pip install mavproxy) --master=tcp: --default=nsh

option 2) via qgroundcontrol > mavlink console

and in this shell execute:

nsh> mavlink stream -s HIGHRES_IMU -r 150 -d /dev/ttyS1

check with rostopic hz /mavros/imu/data_raw

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi@lbegani Thanks for your reply. How is the performance of the VINS-mono?

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi@mthz Thanks for your reply. Actually I boost the IMU-Rate with these command above in terminal. I also tried your method.Thanks for your help.

szebedy commented 6 years ago

Hi @zxp771

Check out this thread for more information about increasing the IMU rate in mavros.

In the command rosrun mavros mavcmd long 511 105 10000 0 0 0 0 0 you can change the number 10000 to 5000 achieve 200 Hz. This number is the streaming period in microseconds.

Since there is no official data available, I estimated the IMU camera extrinsics based on the coordinate frames and the physical location of the IMU (inside the flight controller) and the bottom camera. However the results with using the IMU were so bad, I had to turn off the usage of the IMU. Let me know if you are able to get better results with the IMU than without.

I attached my calibration files for SVO 2.0 ( and my sketch of the coordinate frames.


zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @szebedy Thanks for your help. I'm trying to use the Kalibr to do the calibration. I will share the result to you when I finish.

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @szebedy sorry to disturb you.

2018-06-21 4 23 32

Does the T_B_C here mean the transformation matrix between the bottom camera and IMU?

szebedy commented 6 years ago

Yes it does

lbegani commented 6 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
How is the performance of the VINS-mono?

@zxp771 The performance(in Aero) in terms of pose estimation accuracy looks good. However in terms of processing time taken, its not looking good. I have disabled loop closure and need to do few more optimizations to bring down the latency. If you are looking for performance metrics, there is a paper on benchmark comparison between different open source VIO algos -

zxp771 commented 6 years ago

Hi @lbegani Thanks for your reply and sharing. I have read this paper before.

araujokth commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I was reading this thread and could not get a conclusion if the aero platform allowed the capturing of measurements of IMU and the Aero cameras in synch? Has anyone verified how well the synch between these measurements is?

Also, can we synch the IMU measurements with the camera measurements from any of the 3 cameras in the Aero (real sense, 8MP front facing and VGA bottom facing)?

moshanATucsd commented 5 years ago

Hi, does anyone know how to capture synced imu and camera data from aero?

zxp771 commented 5 years ago

@moshanATucsd Hi, As I know the imu and camera data on the drone need to do some post-processing to get the synced data. The Drone won't give us these directly.

zxp771 commented 5 years ago

Hi @araujokth Unfortunately, the drone won't give us the synced data directly. We only can do post-processing with these data.

zxp771 commented 5 years ago

Hi @szebedy sorry to disturb. Have you saved some dataset collected by the Intel drone? Cloud you share the dataset with me? Thanks so much

szebedy commented 5 years ago

Hi @zxp771,

Unfortunately I don't have any of the datasets anymore. But you can check out my repository written for the Intel drone under this link. It might have some useful information about visual inertial odometry. In the end I achieved the best results by simply not using the inertial data for odometry, only the camera stream.

zxp771 commented 5 years ago

Hi @szebedy Thanks for your sharing! It's really helpful!