Closed pankaj3083 closed 2 years ago
This attachment shows the steps executed and the failure at the last step of import LSTMForecaster.
could you attach the result for pip list
Please find below the result of pip list:
Package Version
absl-py 0.10.0
alabaster 0.7.12
albumentations 0.1.12
altair 4.1.0
analytics-zoo 0.9.0
argon2-cffi 20.1.0
asgiref 3.3.1
astor 0.8.1
astropy 4.1
astunparse 1.6.3
async-generator 1.10
atari-py 0.2.6
atomicwrites 1.4.0
attrs 20.3.0
audioread 2.1.9
autograd 1.3
Babel 2.9.0
backcall 0.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.6.3
BigDL 0.12.1
bleach 3.2.1
blis 0.4.1
bokeh 2.1.1
Bottleneck 1.3.2
branca 0.4.2
bs4 0.0.1
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cachetools 4.2.0
catalogue 1.0.0
certifi 2020.12.5
cffi 1.14.4
chainer 7.4.0
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.2
cloudpickle 1.3.0
cmake 3.12.0
cmdstanpy 0.9.5
colorlover 0.3.0
community 1.0.0b1
conda-pack 0.3.1
contextlib2 0.5.5
convertdate 2.2.0
coverage 3.7.1
coveralls 0.5
crcmod 1.7
cufflinks 0.17.3
cvxopt 1.2.5
cvxpy 1.0.31
cycler 0.10.0
cymem 2.0.5
Cython 0.29.21
daft 0.0.4
dask 2.12.0
dataclasses 0.8
datascience 0.10.6
debugpy 1.0.0
decorator 4.4.2
defusedxml 0.6.0
descartes 1.1.0
dill 0.3.3
distributed 1.25.3
Django 3.1.5
dlib 19.18.0
dm-tree 0.1.5
docopt 0.6.2
docutils 0.16
dopamine-rl 1.0.5
earthengine-api 0.1.238
easydict 1.9
ecos 2.0.7.post1
editdistance 0.5.3
en-core-web-sm 2.2.5
entrypoints 0.3
et-xmlfile 1.0.1
fa2 0.3.5
fancyimpute 0.4.3
fastai 1.0.61
fastdtw 0.3.4
fastprogress 1.0.0
fastrlock 0.5
fbprophet 0.7.1
feather-format 0.4.1
filelock 3.0.12
firebase-admin 4.4.0
fix-yahoo-finance 0.0.22
Flask 1.1.2
flatbuffers 1.12
folium 0.8.3
future 0.16.0
gast 0.3.3
GDAL 2.2.2
gdown 3.6.4
gensim 3.6.0
geographiclib 1.50
geopy 1.17.0
gin-config 0.4.0
glob2 0.7
google 2.0.3
google-api-core 1.16.0
google-api-python-client 1.7.12
google-auth 1.17.2
google-auth-httplib2 0.0.4
google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.2
google-cloud-bigquery 1.21.0
google-cloud-bigquery-storage 1.1.0
google-cloud-core 1.0.3
google-cloud-datastore 1.8.0
google-cloud-firestore 1.7.0
google-cloud-language 1.2.0
google-cloud-storage 1.18.1
google-cloud-translate 1.5.0
google-colab 1.0.0
google-pasta 0.2.0
google-resumable-media 0.4.1
googleapis-common-protos 1.52.0
googledrivedownloader 0.4
graphviz 0.10.1
grpcio 1.32.0
gspread 3.0.1
gspread-dataframe 3.0.8
gym 0.17.3
h5py 2.10.0
HeapDict 1.0.1
holidays 0.10.4
holoviews 1.13.5
html5lib 1.0.1
httpimport 0.5.18
httplib2 0.17.4
httplib2shim 0.0.3
humanize 0.5.1
hyperopt 0.1.2
ideep4py 2.0.0.post3
idna 2.10
image 1.5.33
imageio 2.4.1
imagesize 1.2.0
imbalanced-learn 0.4.3
imblearn 0.0
imgaug 0.2.9
importlib-metadata 3.3.0
importlib-resources 4.1.1
imutils 0.5.3
inflect 2.1.0
iniconfig 1.1.1
intel-openmp 2021.1.2
intervaltree 2.1.0
ipykernel 4.10.1
ipython 5.5.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipython-sql 0.3.9
ipywidgets 7.6.3
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jax 0.2.7
jaxlib 0.1.57+cuda101
jdcal 1.4.1
jedi 0.17.2
jieba 0.42.1
Jinja2 2.11.2
joblib 1.0.0
jpeg4py 0.1.4
jsonschema 2.6.0
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 5.3.5
jupyter-console 5.2.0
jupyter-core 4.7.0
jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2
jupyterlab-widgets 1.0.0
kaggle 1.5.10
Keras 2.4.3
Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2
keras-vis 0.4.1
kiwisolver 1.3.1
knnimpute 0.1.0
korean-lunar-calendar 0.2.1
librosa 0.6.3
lightgbm 2.2.3
llvmlite 0.31.0
lmdb 0.99
lucid 0.3.8
LunarCalendar 0.0.9
lxml 4.2.6
Markdown 3.3.3
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
matplotlib 3.2.2
matplotlib-venn 0.11.6
missingno 0.4.2
mistune 0.8.4
mizani 0.6.0
mkl 2019.0
mlxtend 0.14.0
more-itertools 8.6.0
mpmath 1.1.0
msgpack 1.0.2
multitasking 0.0.9
murmurhash 1.0.5
music21 5.5.0
natsort 5.5.0
nbclient 0.5.1
nbconvert 5.6.1
nbformat 5.0.8
nest-asyncio 1.4.3
networkx 2.5
nibabel 3.0.2
nltk 3.2.5
notebook 5.3.1
numba 0.48.0
numexpr 2.7.2
numpy 1.19.5
nvidia-ml-py3 7.352.0
oauth2client 4.1.3
oauthlib 3.1.0
okgrade 0.4.3
openpyxl 2.5.9
opt-einsum 3.3.0
osqp 0.6.2
packaging 20.8
palettable 3.3.0
pandas 1.1.5
pandas-datareader 0.9.0
pandas-gbq 0.13.3
pandas-profiling 1.4.1
pandocfilters 1.4.3
panel 0.9.7
param 1.10.1
parso 0.7.1
pathlib 1.0.1
patsy 0.5.1
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 7.0.0
pip 19.3.1
pip-tools 4.5.1
plac 1.1.3
plotly 4.4.1
plotnine 0.6.0
pluggy 0.7.1
portpicker 1.3.1
prefetch-generator 1.0.1
preshed 3.0.5
prettytable 2.0.0
progressbar2 3.38.0
prometheus-client 0.9.0
promise 2.3
prompt-toolkit 1.0.18
protobuf 3.12.4
psutil 5.4.8
ptyprocess 0.7.0
py 1.10.0
py4j 0.10.7
pyarrow 0.14.1
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pycocotools 2.0.2
pycparser 2.20
pyct 0.4.8
pydata-google-auth 1.1.0
pydot 1.3.0
pydot-ng 2.0.0
pydotplus 2.0.2
PyDrive 1.3.1
pyemd 0.5.1
pyglet 1.5.0
Pygments 2.6.1
pygobject 3.26.1
pymc3 3.7
PyMeeus 0.3.7
pymongo 3.11.2
pymystem3 0.2.0
PyOpenGL 3.1.5
pyparsing 2.4.7
pyrsistent 0.17.3
pysndfile 1.3.8
PySocks 1.7.1
pyspark 2.4.3
pytest 3.6.4
python-apt 1.6.5+ubuntu0.5
python-chess 0.23.11
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-louvain 0.15
python-slugify 4.0.1
python-utils 2.4.0
pytz 2018.9
pyviz-comms 2.0.1
PyWavelets 1.1.1
PyYAML 3.13
pyzmq 20.0.0
qdldl 0.1.5.post0
qtconsole 5.0.1
QtPy 1.9.0
regex 2019.12.20
requests 2.23.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
resampy 0.2.2
retrying 1.3.3
rpy2 3.2.7
rsa 4.6
scikit-image 0.16.2
scikit-learn 0.22.2.post1
scipy 1.4.1
screen-resolution-extra 0.0.0
scs 2.1.2
seaborn 0.11.1
Send2Trash 1.5.0
setuptools 51.1.1
setuptools-git 1.2
Shapely 1.7.1
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.15.0
sklearn 0.0
sklearn-pandas 1.8.0
smart-open 4.1.0
snowballstemmer 2.0.0
sortedcontainers 2.3.0
spacy 2.2.4
Sphinx 1.8.5
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.4
SQLAlchemy 1.3.22
sqlparse 0.4.1
srsly 1.0.5
statsmodels 0.10.2
sympy 1.1.1
tables 3.4.4
tabulate 0.8.7
tblib 1.7.0
tensorboard 2.4.0
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.7.0
tensorboardcolab 0.0.22
tensorflow 2.4.0
tensorflow-addons 0.8.3
tensorflow-datasets 4.0.1
tensorflow-estimator 2.4.0
tensorflow-gcs-config 2.4.0
tensorflow-hub 0.11.0
tensorflow-metadata 0.26.0
tensorflow-privacy 0.2.2
tensorflow-probability 0.12.1
termcolor 1.1.0
terminado 0.9.2
testpath 0.4.4
text-unidecode 1.3
textblob 0.15.3
textgenrnn 1.4.1
Theano 1.0.5
thinc 7.4.0
tifffile 2020.9.3
toml 0.10.2
toolz 0.11.1
torch 1.7.0+cu101
torchsummary 1.5.1
torchtext 0.3.1
torchvision 0.8.1+cu101
tornado 5.1.1
tqdm 4.41.1
traitlets 4.3.3
tweepy 3.6.0
typeguard 2.7.1
tzlocal 1.5.1
umap-learn 0.4.6
uritemplate 3.0.1
urllib3 1.24.3
vega-datasets 0.9.0
wasabi 0.8.0
wcwidth 0.2.5
webencodings 0.5.1
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.36.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
wordcloud 1.5.0
wrapt 1.12.1
xarray 0.15.1
xgboost 0.90
xkit 0.0.0
xlrd 1.1.0
xlwt 1.3.0
yellowbrick 0.9.1
zict 2.0.0
zipp 3.4.0
It seems I am using tensorflow 2.4 version whereas this zoo supports tensorflow 1.15 version as per "".
Could that be issue?
Could you try install zoo in a clean conda environment? It might be caused by some package version conflicts, but it is hard to locate with an environment including that many packages. And tensorflow version may be not related to this issue.
I can't reproduce the error in my environment with the same imports.
@pankaj3083 any update on the issue?
close due to no response for a long time.
While importing LSTMForecaster, I received the following error:
from zoo.zouwu.model.forecast.lstm_forecaster import LSTMForecaster
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)