intel / APKexpansion

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Recommendation for install in README #5

Open amedeedaboville opened 8 years ago

amedeedaboville commented 8 years ago

Maybe Cordova has fixed its bug, but the's suggestion to change build-extras.gradle to include project name prefixes was not an issue in installation for me.

Instead I had to change the package name here to, and have a build-extras.gradle that looks like this:

dependencies {
    debugCompile project(path: '',configuration: "debug")
    releaseCompile project(path: '',configuration: "release")

From looking at the source, it seems like the name change was not completed throughout the source and a few references to org.apache.cordova.xapkreader still exist.

I'm not having any other problems so far, just writing to share my experience.

nlatif commented 8 years ago

Thank you for letting us know. We will look into it.