intel / CommsPowerManagement

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Are there any use cases for using these scripts in the context of validation or debug at UEFI shell? #17

Open jpshivakavi opened 1 year ago

jpshivakavi commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

I am Jayaprakash Nevara part of Intel. We have Python interpreter enabled for UEFI and it's possible to run Python based scripts on UEFI. We also have enhanced the Python interpreter with necessary modules to interact with the UEFI layer to get platform details through registers and tables.

Python Interpreter for UEFI : Open source tools like Chipsec have used Python UEFI interpreter and enabled entire chipsec scripts to run on UEFI shell. Chipsec git repo ->

Wondering if there are any use cases for using the CommsPowerManagement scripts available in this repo on UEFI? is it worth trying to port these scripts to run on UEFI.

jpshivakavi commented 1 year ago

Appreciate if there are any updates on this question.

chrismcn commented 1 year ago

Hi Jayaprakash, what is the goal of running this on UEFI? just trying to understand why we would do this...not sure I see an opportunity...perhaps if you had some ideas let me know