intel / SGX-TDX-DCAP-QuoteVerificationService

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which client is required for this? #29

Open matti opened 2 weeks ago

matti commented 2 weeks ago

in has these endpoints



trustauthority-cli verify --config config.json --token "$(cat token)"


Request to "" failed: StatusCode = 404


trustauthority-cli token -c config.json


Request to "" failed: StatusCode = 404

which cli or library can be used with this?

nmwael commented 2 weeks ago

these are meant for http clients..

/health is for something like a k8s probe as it reports health of QVS components. /attestation/sgx/dcap/v1/report are for posting your binary quote and getting the report.

OR am I completely misunderstanding your question?

bsulich2 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @matti when you are reffering to trustauthority-cli what tool do you have in mind?

At the same time, thanks @nmwael for your reply - that is good reference.

  1. /health checks communication with dependent services and service itself,
  2. /attestation/sgx/dcap/v1/report is for Verification of Attestation Evidence