intel / SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives

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libsgx-ae-pcs_*.deb missing #412

Open ripple-cny opened 1 week ago

ripple-cny commented 1 week ago

I am following the Linux build/install instructions for quote generation. I executed the following command in the installer/linux/deb directory and got the following error:

sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite libsgx-ae-pce_*.deb libsgx-ae-qe3_*.deb libsgx-ae-id-enclave_*.deb libsgx-ae-qve_*.deb libsgx-enclave-common_*.deb libsgx-urts_*.deb dpkg: error: cannot access archive 'libsgx-ae-pce_*.deb': No such file or directory

Does the document need to be updated or did I do something wrong? Thanks!

llly commented 1 week ago

This command is for Install prebuilt Intel(R) SGX common loader and other prerequisites from They are dependencies for "libsgx-dcap-ql_*.deb". Did you download the deb package files from and put them in this folder?