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Mouse hangs #14

Open ChristophSchmidpeter opened 9 years ago

ChristophSchmidpeter commented 9 years ago

When I move the mouse cursor outside of the screen in the vm the mouse hangs a little bit until it moves again.

ChristophSchmidpeter commented 9 years ago

Sometimes the mouse hangs completely. Then I need to put the vm back to background and foreground again.

l1viathan commented 9 years ago

I believe this is not a KVMGT issue - The mouse in guest is actually a emulated device by QEMU, having no idea of KVMGT.

ChristophSchmidpeter commented 9 years ago

I believe it has something to do with the full screen rendering of xengt (instead of windowed in vlc). This issue only appears with xengt but not with xen and vlc.