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RAM on host is not freed #15

Open ChristophSchmidpeter opened 9 years ago

ChristophSchmidpeter commented 9 years ago

After the domU has been closed the memory is oftentimes not freed. In my case have 32Gb RAM and after all VM have been destroyed I end up with 10Gb ram left until I reboot.

vmmqa commented 9 years ago

hello, which method do you use the detect the free mem? besides, please provide the output of the commands " xl info | grep memory" and "free -m" at dom0?

ChristophSchmidpeter commented 9 years ago

The outputs is after some machines had been created and all were destroyed again as follows:

xl info | grep memory total_memory : 32673 free_memory : 19947 sharing_freed_memory : 0 sharing_used_memory : 0

free -m total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 11649 2918 2849 238 5882 5058 Swap: 0 0 0

I used htop.