Fixup the bpf map manager path for multiple pools (same as the UDS issue)
Update the documentation and various specs to reflect configuration changes needed.
Update the program to pin the xsk map to just use xdp-loader. The previous c implementation had issues and the version of libxdp in the container images is too old for libxdp pinning support. Reverting to bpf (for pinning support) would break the libxdp based program unloading. and would need to implement another BPF variation...
Don't return an error from the bpf clean up function when there's no program on the interface.
Cleanup the dirs created for bpf map managers in /var/run/afxdp_dp
Tested in a physical cluster with multiple pools and resource requests with both CNDP map pinning and soon to be map pinning patches submitted patches to DPDK
Tested in a physical cluster with multiple pools and resource requests with both CNDP map pinning and soon to be map pinning patches submitted patches to DPDK