intel / ai-containers

This repository contains Dockerfiles, scripts, yaml files, Helm charts, etc. used to scale out AI containers with versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch that have been optimized for Intel platforms. Scaling is done with python, Docker, kubernetes, kubeflow,, Helm, and other container orchestration frameworks for use in the cloud and on-premise
Apache License 2.0
19 stars 15 forks source link

Fix tpp pins and add labels #167

Closed ma-pineda closed 2 weeks ago

ma-pineda commented 4 weeks ago


  1. Fix tpp pins: Pin all pip and conda dependencies
  2. Add labels: Add labels to docker-compose files for support matrix

Changes Made


Changes were made based on current version packages installed on dockerhub containers.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Dependency Review

The following issues were found:

See the Details below.

License Issues


PackageVersionLicenseIssue Type
cloud-data-connector1.0.3NullUnknown License


PackageVersionLicenseIssue Type
cloud-data-connector>= 1.0.3NullUnknown License
dataset-librarian>= 1.0.4NullUnknown License
tensorflow-hub>= 0.16.1NullUnknown License
cryptography>= 42.0.7NullUnknown License
tqdm>= 4.66.2NullUnknown License


PackageVersionLicenseIssue Type
cloud-data-connector>= 1.0.3NullUnknown License
dataset-librarian>= 1.0.4NullUnknown License
tensorflow-hub>= 0.16.1NullUnknown License
cryptography>= 42.0.7NullUnknown License
tqdm>= 4.66.2NullUnknown License

OpenSSF Scorecard

Scorecard details
pip/cloud-data-connector 1.0.3 UnknownUnknown
pip/accelerate >= 0.30.0 :green_circle: 6.2
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 28/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 24 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Packaging:green_circle: 10packaging workflow detected
SAST:green_circle: 3SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 3
pip/cloud-data-connector >= 1.0.3 UnknownUnknown
pip/cryptography >= 42.0.7 :green_circle: 8.5
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all changesets reviewed
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 18 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 9license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:green_circle: 10GitHub workflow tokens follow principle of least privilege
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:green_circle: 4dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 4
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
pip/dataset-librarian >= 1.0.4 UnknownUnknown
pip/datasets >= 2.19.1 :green_circle: 6
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 18 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
Code-Review:green_circle: 5Found 16/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 5
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/evaluate >= 0.4.2 :green_circle: 5.4
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 56 commit(s) and 1 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 5
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
SAST:green_circle: 3SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 3
pip/ninja >= UnknownUnknown
pip/py-cpuinfo >= 9.0.0 :green_circle: 3.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 4Found 7/17 approved changesets -- score normalized to 4
Maintained:warning: 00 commit(s) and 1 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 0
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: 0branch protection not enabled on development/release branches
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/python-dotenv >= 1.0.1 :green_circle: 5.1
Code-Review:green_circle: 5Found 16/29 approved changesets -- score normalized to 5
Maintained:green_circle: 74 commit(s) and 5 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 7
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: 0branch protection not enabled on development/release branches
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 91 existing vulnerabilities detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/requests >= 2.31.0 :green_circle: 8.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all changesets reviewed
Maintained:green_circle: 1026 commit(s) and 6 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: 0Project has not signed or included provenance with any releases.
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:green_circle: 10GitHub workflow tokens follow principle of least privilege
SAST:green_circle: 10SAST tool is run on all commits
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Pinned-Dependencies:green_circle: 10all dependencies are pinned
pip/tensorflow-hub >= 0.16.1 :green_circle: 5.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 106 commit(s) and 10 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: -1no dependencies found
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: -1no workflows found
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
SAST:warning: 0no SAST tool detected
License:warning: 0license file not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: -1No tokens found
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
pip/tqdm >= 4.66.2 :green_circle: 5.9
Code-Review:warning: 1Found 1/8 approved changesets -- score normalized to 1
Maintained:green_circle: 57 commit(s) and 0 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 5
License:green_circle: 9license file detected
CII-Best-Practices:green_circle: 5badge detected: Passing
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Token-Permissions:warning: -1No tokens found
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: -1no workflows found
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: -1no dependencies found
Signed-Releases:green_circle: 85 out of the last 5 releases have a total of 5 signed artifacts.
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/transformers >= 4.40.2 :green_circle: 4.4
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 23 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: 0dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Packaging:green_circle: 10packaging workflow detected
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:warning: 0464 existing vulnerabilities detected
pip/accelerate >= 0.30.0 :green_circle: 6.2
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 28/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 24 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Packaging:green_circle: 10packaging workflow detected
SAST:green_circle: 3SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 3
pip/cloud-data-connector >= 1.0.3 UnknownUnknown
pip/cryptography >= 42.0.7 :green_circle: 8.5
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all changesets reviewed
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 18 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 9license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:green_circle: 10GitHub workflow tokens follow principle of least privilege
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:green_circle: 4dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 4
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
pip/dataset-librarian >= 1.0.4 UnknownUnknown
pip/datasets >= 2.19.1 :green_circle: 6
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 18 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
Code-Review:green_circle: 5Found 16/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 5
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/evaluate >= 0.4.2 :green_circle: 5.4
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 56 commit(s) and 1 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 5
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
SAST:green_circle: 3SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 3
pip/ninja >= UnknownUnknown
pip/onnxruntime >= 1.17.3 :green_circle: 6.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all last 30 commits are reviewed through GitHub
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) out of 30 and 8 issue activity out of 30 found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no badge detected
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 10no vulnerabilities detected
Signed-Releases:warning: 00 out of 5 artifacts are signed or have provenance
Branch-Protection:green_circle: 8branch protection is not maximal on development and all release branches
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1no published package detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0non read-only tokens detected in GitHub workflows
Dependency-Update-Tool:green_circle: 10update tool detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
pip/py-cpuinfo >= 9.0.0 :green_circle: 3.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 4Found 7/17 approved changesets -- score normalized to 4
Maintained:warning: 00 commit(s) and 1 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 0
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: 0branch protection not enabled on development/release branches
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/python-dotenv >= 1.0.1 :green_circle: 5.1
Code-Review:green_circle: 5Found 16/29 approved changesets -- score normalized to 5
Maintained:green_circle: 74 commit(s) and 5 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 7
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Branch-Protection:warning: 0branch protection not enabled on development/release branches
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 91 existing vulnerabilities detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/requests >= 2.31.0 :green_circle: 8.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all changesets reviewed
Maintained:green_circle: 1026 commit(s) and 6 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: 0Project has not signed or included provenance with any releases.
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:green_circle: 10GitHub workflow tokens follow principle of least privilege
SAST:green_circle: 10SAST tool is run on all commits
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Pinned-Dependencies:green_circle: 10all dependencies are pinned
pip/tensorflow-hub >= 0.16.1 :green_circle: 5.8
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 106 commit(s) and 10 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: -1no dependencies found
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: -1no workflows found
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
SAST:warning: 0no SAST tool detected
License:warning: 0license file not detected
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Token-Permissions:warning: -1No tokens found
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
pip/tf2onnx >= 1.16.1 :green_circle: 5.8
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 5 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
Code-Review:green_circle: 10all changesets reviewed
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Dangerous-Workflow:green_circle: 10no dangerous workflow patterns detected
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 9binaries present in source code
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
pip/tqdm >= 4.66.2 :green_circle: 5.9
Code-Review:warning: 1Found 1/8 approved changesets -- score normalized to 1
Maintained:green_circle: 57 commit(s) and 0 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 5
License:green_circle: 9license file detected
CII-Best-Practices:green_circle: 5badge detected: Passing
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Packaging:warning: -1packaging workflow not detected
Token-Permissions:warning: -1No tokens found
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: -1no workflows found
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: -1no dependencies found
Signed-Releases:green_circle: 85 out of the last 5 releases have a total of 5 signed artifacts.
Vulnerabilities:green_circle: 100 existing vulnerabilities detected
Fuzzing:green_circle: 10project is fuzzed
Security-Policy:warning: 0security policy file not detected
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
pip/transformers >= 4.40.2 :green_circle: 4.4
Code-Review:green_circle: 9Found 29/30 approved changesets -- score normalized to 9
Maintained:green_circle: 1030 commit(s) and 23 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
CII-Best-Practices:warning: 0no effort to earn an OpenSSF best practices badge detected
License:green_circle: 10license file detected
Branch-Protection:warning: -1internal error: error during branchesHandler.setup: internal error: githubv4.Query: Resource not accessible by integration
Signed-Releases:warning: -1no releases found
Security-Policy:green_circle: 10security policy file detected
Dangerous-Workflow:warning: 0dangerous workflow patterns detected
Token-Permissions:warning: 0detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
Binary-Artifacts:green_circle: 10no binaries found in the repo
SAST:warning: 0SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
Fuzzing:warning: 0project is not fuzzed
Packaging:green_circle: 10packaging workflow detected
Pinned-Dependencies:warning: 0dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 0
Vulnerabilities:warning: 0464 existing vulnerabilities detected

Scanned Manifest Files

  • cloud-data-connector@1.0.3
  • accelerate@>= 0.30.0
  • cloud-data-connector@>= 1.0.3
  • cryptography@>= 42.0.7
  • dataset-librarian@>= 1.0.4
  • datasets@>= 2.19.1
  • evaluate@>= 0.4.2
  • ninja@>=
  • py-cpuinfo@>= 9.0.0
  • python-dotenv@>= 1.0.1
  • requests@>= 2.31.0
  • tensorflow-hub@>= 0.16.1
  • tqdm@>= 4.66.2
  • transformers@>= 4.40.2
  • accelerate@>= 0.30.0
  • cloud-data-connector@>= 1.0.3
  • cryptography@>= 42.0.7
  • dataset-librarian@>= 1.0.4
  • datasets@>= 2.19.1
  • evaluate@>= 0.4.2
  • ninja@>=
  • onnxruntime@>= 1.17.3
  • py-cpuinfo@>= 9.0.0
  • python-dotenv@>= 1.0.1
  • requests@>= 2.31.0
  • tensorflow-hub@>= 0.16.1
  • tf2onnx@>= 1.16.1
  • tqdm@>= 4.66.2
  • transformers@>= 4.40.2
github-advanced-security[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request sets up GitHub code scanning for this repository. Once the scans have completed and the checks have passed, the analysis results for this pull request branch will appear on this overview. Once you merge this pull request, the 'Security' tab will show more code scanning analysis results (for example, for the default branch). Depending on your configuration and choice of analysis tool, future pull requests will be annotated with code scanning analysis results. For more information about GitHub code scanning, check out the documentation.