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Touch tap issue on Android 4.4 #733

Closed manuteksmar closed 8 years ago

manuteksmar commented 10 years ago

Hello, sorry for my English, I have an issue with my phonegap and appframework app. The tap event is not registred, I tried to test it in Android 4.4 emulator , using Phonegap 2.4 and even upgrading it to 3.4 but I received the same problem. I also tested using the sample project of appframework downloaded from Github, and I received the same problems.

When I testing on real devices: -Nexus 5 (4.4.4) everything works fine -Nexus 4 (4.4.4) I got similar issues encountered on emulator... the user has to click multiple times to trigger an event on any button

Another particular thing that I saw is that the scroll events work fine! I got problems only on "taps"... Anyone has this issue? Thanks in advance.

micheledibenedetto7 commented 10 years ago

Same problem for me after months spent. i am using appframework 2.0.6 and on Android kit kat 4.4.4 touch does not work i have to tap more times to make something happen. I read about updating my app to 2.1.0 but it does not work. I want to know if it is necessary to change everything or maybe there is a workaround fix for previuous versions cause of i had some deep customization for plugin and css so if i want to get compatibility with 4.4.3 or 4.4.4 i have to investigate and rewrite many parts of code or i am forced to target level API 18 instead of 19 knowing that kit kat is about 20% of android installations right now. Feedback, please.

imaffett commented 10 years ago

@troublesome80 This was fixed in 2.1 a few months ago. 2.0.6 is your issue.

If you want, just update af.touchLayer.js in your version from master in github and you should be good.

imaffett commented 10 years ago

@manuteksmar - which version of App Framework are you running? Can you provide a demo, otherwise we cannot help.

micheledibenedetto7 commented 10 years ago

thanks Ian, saved half of my ass updating af.touchLayer.js now thouch is working very well BUT my interface is broken. this is my index.html markup if on the fly u se something that may cause this...

<!DOCTYPE html>

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imaffett commented 10 years ago

@troublesome80 - can you email me with a link to check it out (or a zip)? I don't see anything jumping out at me.

micheledibenedetto7 commented 10 years ago

ok sent you a zip of my project

GiorgioNatili commented 10 years ago

Just add this attribute data-touchlayer = 'ignore' to the text input.

shlomysh commented 9 years ago

GiorgioNatili is right. Simple attribute fixed the problem.