intel / ccloudvm

Configurable Cloud VM is a small command line tool for automatically creating development and demo environments for complex projects. The tool sets up these development environments inside a virtual machine which it automatically creates on the user’s host computer. This avoids polluting the user’s host machine with components from the chosen development environment and provides a clean, predictable and repeatable environment in which this development environment can run.
Apache License 2.0
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Update the OS workload #80

Closed markdryan closed 6 years ago

markdryan commented 6 years ago

Signed-off-by: Mark Ryan

markdryan commented 6 years ago

@ganeshmaharaj Could you try this out? Particularly the piece where you copy your local.conf into the VM. I couldn't get get this bit to work but I think it was just an issue with my local conf file.

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 68.226% when pulling e8ca5e7c5607f5ed897a23f67037046e25c315ec on markdryan:fix-os2 into 1ec9f04b116589ed7ef24c5d6d462ee7389e7db1 on intel:master.

markdryan commented 6 years ago

@ganeshmaharaj note seems a bit racy to me. Sometimes I get errors about not being able to lock the apt-get file. I try again and it works. Do you ever see anything like this?

ganeshmaharaj commented 6 years ago

@markdryan ohh i have never seen that w.r.t devstack. but also haven't used devstack a lot in the recent past to know if this is a symptom. Let me ask around.

markdryan commented 6 years ago

H'mm maybe there's something not quite right with the workload then. I didn't see it with the old workload, but I can't possibly see why the changes in this workload should make any difference. Maybe they've just updated devstack.

ganeshmaharaj commented 6 years ago

Right. Changes might happen on devstack and given that we are always tracking the master branch, occasionally drops in the quality are to be expected. I will try one on my side to see if i can reproduce this,

markdryan commented 6 years ago

@ganeshmaharaj It's updated and seems to be working better.

ganeshmaharaj commented 6 years ago

@markdryan with my custom local.conf it ran for real 41m53.621s