intel / ccloudvm

Configurable Cloud VM is a small command line tool for automatically creating development and demo environments for complex projects. The tool sets up these development environments inside a virtual machine which it automatically creates on the user’s host computer. This avoids polluting the user’s host machine with components from the chosen development environment and provides a clean, predictable and repeatable environment in which this development environment can run.
Apache License 2.0
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KVM Permission Denied applies to more than K8s example #88

Closed jdandrea closed 6 years ago

jdandrea commented 6 years ago

Encountering this when trying ccloudvm create as a non-root user:

$ ccloudvm create --name singlevm --port 8080-80 --debug ciao
Booting VM with 4000 MiB RAM and 2 cpus
To connect to the instance during its creation type

    ssh -q -F /dev/null -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i /home/jdandrea/.ccloudvm/id_rsa -p 10022
Error: Failed to launch qemu : exit status 1, Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied

Trying sudo gpasswd -a $USER kvm did not help.

Consider moving this section:

... to the main dev (and possibly deploy) instructions for ccloudvm:

jdandrea commented 6 years ago

... but logging out and back in again did help. (Perhaps amend the gpasswd instructions with that as a safety.)

markdryan commented 6 years ago

This is more of an issue with the ciao documentation rather than with ccloudvm. The ccloudvm documentation does mention that you may need to run gpasswd and log out and log in again.

jdandrea commented 6 years ago

Whoops, I missed it. Thank you!