intel / collision-avoidance-library

A framework for testing and benchmarking collision avoidance strategies
Apache License 2.0
81 stars 39 forks source link

Simulation instruction should be improved #122

Closed gzhang8 closed 7 years ago

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

In the instruction

It does not mention running arducopter and mavproxy first, but it is a required step.

Also, using


The drone will crash.

rchiossi commented 7 years ago will run ardupilot or jmavsim and will also run socat, which replaces mavproxy. The default is to run jmavsim. To run ardupilot you need to set the AUTOPILOT environment variable.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi Thanks for your reply. I set


Is it the correct way?

The copter does not take off

rchiossi commented 7 years ago

Yep, that seems about right. You can also set VERBOSE_LEVEL=1 to get error output on the terminal. Do you get any error on the logs?

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi No, there are no error logs

collision-avoidance-library/testbed$ echo $APM_DIR
collision-avoidance-library/testbed$ echo $AUTOPILOT
collision-avoidance-library/testbed$ echo $VERBOSE_LEVEL
collision-avoidance-library/testbed$ ./ -a QC_STOP_AVOIDANCE -d DI_POLAR_HIST -s ST_GAZEBO_REALSENSE

no output at all from

Here is output from gzclient

$ gzclient
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
rchiossi commented 7 years ago

That warning from gazebo is normal, it shouldn't affect the result. Can you paste the full logs from the logs/ dir?

rchiossi commented 7 years ago

Also, try passing the variables inline before the ./ command, see if it makes any difference. With verbose level set to 1 you should at least get something on your terminal, it's weird that you get no output at all.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi Here are the log files:

logs$ ls
autopilot_err.log  autopilot.log  coav-control_err.log  coav-control.log  gzserver_err.log  gzserver.log

$ cat autopilot_err.log 
make: *** No rule to make target 'posix_sitl_default'.  Stop.
$ cat autopilot.log 

$ cat coav-control_err.log 
ERROR: Unkown avoidance algorithm value 'QC_STOP_AVOIDANCE'

$ cat gzserver_err.log 
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 8.0.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.

$ cat gzserver.log 
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 1
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
The gzsitl plugin is attached to the model
state: INIT

RealSensePlugin: The rs_camera plugin is attach to model gzsitl_quadcopter_rs
Shutting down
Shut down
gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi passing them inline does make a difference. Here is the output

ERROR: Unkown avoidance algorithm value 'QC_STOP_AVOIDANCE'
make: *** No rule to make target 'posix_sitl_default'.  Stop.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 8.0.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 1
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
The gzsitl plugin is attached to the model
state: INIT

RealSensePlugin: The rs_camera plugin is attach to model gzsitl_quadcopter_rs
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
rchiossi commented 7 years ago

The errors on gzserver are ok, they shouldn't cause any problem. Now, that autopilot log is telling that the script is trying to run jmavsim instead of ardupilot. Also, QC_STOP_AVOIDANCE was recently moved out of the supported algorithms and became a sample. We need to update docs. Try QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE instead.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi Here are the output when using QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE

Using Detect Algorithm: DI_POLAR_HIST
Using Avoidance Algorithm: QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 2
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
[MavQuadCopter] mavlink_vehicle instantiated
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Waiting for Gazebo...
make: *** No rule to make target 'posix_sitl_default'.  Stop.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 8.0.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[GazeboContext] Gazebo client has been set up
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Gazebo Initialized
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 1
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
The gzsitl plugin is attached to the model
state: INIT

RealSensePlugin: The rs_camera plugin is attach to model gzsitl_quadcopter_rs
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Real Sense Initialized
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.

Still does not take off

rchiossi commented 7 years ago

Can you try forcing AP_APM inside the script, at the very beginning where the default is set to AP_PX4? (I'm away from my computer now, I'll only be able to do a proper test later today)

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi Yes. After I hard code AP_APM, it can take off. But the drone crashed into the box

Using Detect Algorithm: DI_POLAR_HIST
Using Avoidance Algorithm: QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 2
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
[MavQuadCopter] mavlink_vehicle instantiated
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Waiting for Gazebo...
Started model x at -35.363261,149.165230,584,353 at speed 1.0
Starting sketch 'ArduCopter'
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Waiting for connection ....
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 8.0.0
Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2 License.

[GazeboContext] Gazebo client has been set up
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Gazebo Initialized
[mav_vehicle] Our system id: 1
[mav_vehicle] Waiting for vehicle...
The gzsitl plugin is attached to the model
state: INIT

RealSensePlugin: The rs_camera plugin is attach to model gzsitl_quadcopter_rs
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[GazeboRealSenseCamera] Real Sense Initialized
[Err] [] Light [sun] not found. Use topic ~/factory/light to spawn a new light.
Warning [] Converting a deprecated SDF source[data-string].
Smoothing reset at 0.001
Remaining: 0.250000 litres
Pump: 0.000000 l/s
Spinner: 0.000000 rev/s
position_demand=0.000000 jaw_gap=30.000000 load=0.000000
Loaded defaults from ./copter.parm
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
Loaded defaults from ./copter.parm
New connection on serial port 2
[mav_vehicle] Connected to vehicle
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Home position received
[mav_vehicle] Mission list requested
[mav_vehicle] Mission count received: 2
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 0
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Arm throttle command sent
[mav_vehicle] Takeoff command sent
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint updated 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission ack sent: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission list updated
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
[mav_vehicle] Connected to vehicle
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Requested home position
[mav_vehicle] Home position received
[mav_vehicle] Mission list requested
[mav_vehicle] Mission count received: 2
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint updated 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission ack sent: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission list updated
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Home position received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Mission list requested
[mav_vehicle] Mission count received: 2
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint updated 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission ack sent: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission list updated
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Heartbeat received
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission list requested
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission count received: 2
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 0
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97491, 6.90723,3.72203
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.224811, 5.93917,3.72203
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint requested 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission item received: 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint updated 1
[mav_vehicle] Mission ack sent: 0
[mav_vehicle] Mission list updated
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97717, 7.02416,3.7514
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.227065, 6.0561,3.7514
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): [mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
-1.97904, [mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
7.14162[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
,[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, [mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
6.17372,[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mode change to GUIDED
[mav_vehicle] Detour started
[avoid] state = detouring...
[avoid] wp (x, y, z): -1.97904, 7.14162,3.78075
[avoid] vh (x, y, z): -0.228848, 6.17372,3.78075
[avoid] state = moving...
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
[mav_vehicle] Mission ACK received
[mav_vehicle] Mission waypoint outdated
rchiossi commented 7 years ago

Nice! I'll have to review this later to improve your documentation and troubleshooting. About the crash, I'll take a closer look at the logs later today when I get back to my computer.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi Okay. Thank you

mbelluzzo commented 7 years ago

@gzhang8 if you dont want to have all env vars inlined, use export like this:

export APM_DIR=<path-to-the-folder-containing-arducopter-stil>

here I have: export APM_DIR=$HOME/ardupilot/build/sitl/bin

QC_STOP_AVOIDANCE is still there and working, but is boring because will just break the drone just after takeoff with the default map, so I recommend to first test with QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE.

One problem that we are having recently is that in simple_obstacle.sdf the obstacle is too close from the drone home position and newer versions of both autopilot are going too fast after takeoff and we are unable to brake/detour in time.

There is also a little influence of processing power if your cpu is topped during the test execution. When this happens, everything gets delayed: we receive the frame from gazebo too late, we take more time to process the frame, we inform FC that it should break and this signal is received late by FC that communicates that to gazebo again but it may be too late.

We have a bigger map you can try to see if solves the problem and is a little more fun to watch. export WORLD="simple_office.sdf" should switch the map.

Either DI_POLAR_HIST or DI_OBSTACLE should be working with QC_SHIFT_AVOIDANCE on simple_office.sdf.

If you still keep having trouble with this, plz let us know that we will do your best to figure out what is happening there.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@rchiossi @mbelluzzo Thank you for your prompt and detailed reply. It works now.

Another question. How you tested this coav-control on a real drone under a net? Do you think it will work inside a 10m x 10m x 5m net? given the speed of ardupilot during taking off

mbelluzzo commented 7 years ago


Our tests were executed on an baseball field and we used the Lighting tower as obstacle, so that wasn't an issue for us. But there is a variable to control the lowest altitude on each avoidance algorithm and I think both are under 5m. So I think that your net should be enough if you are able to run your trial with the drone between 3.0 to 4.0 meters. You can also tune this value to fit your needs.

The main reason for this settings is to help filtering the floor when the drone is moving forward and the front camera gets inclined down. There are more robust ways to do floor detection we don't have any implementation of those yet.

I think that the trick part will depend on how well is your drone holding altitude when execution a mission. If you can be sure it will execute the mission between 3-4 meters than you will be good.

gzhang8 commented 7 years ago

@mbelluzzo I see. Thank you.