Closed oscarbg closed 6 years ago
Some benchmarks: Platform: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics half supported! Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO Driver version : 1.0 (Linux x64) Compute units : 24 Clock frequency : 0 MHz
Half-precision compute (GFLOPS)
half : 748.56
half2 : 743.20
half4 : 741.60
half8 : 735.49
half16 : 729.58
Global memory bandwidth (GBPS)
float : 26.32
float2 : 25.38
float4 : 27.56
float8 : 28.44
float16 : 21.64
Single-precision compute (GFLOPS)
float : 436.48
float2 : 436.28
float4 : 436.23
float8 : 434.85
float16 : 429.21
Double-precision compute (GFLOPS)
double : 110.00
double2 : 109.86
double4 : 109.64
double8 : 109.05
double16 : 108.10
Transfer bandwidth (GBPS)
enqueueWriteBuffer : 32.54
enqueueReadBuffer : 12.91
enqueueMapBuffer(for read) : 2684354.50
memcpy from mapped ptr : 12.79
enqueueUnmap(after write) : inf
memcpy to mapped ptr : 13.12
Kernel launch latency : 25.37 us
Version: 3.3
Implementation: OpenCL
Running kernels 100 times
Precision: float
Array size: 134.2 MB (=0.1 GB)
Total size: 402.7 MB (=0.4 GB)
Using OpenCL device Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO
Driver: 1.0
Reduction kernel config: 96 groups of size 256
Validation failed on sum. Error 0.000572205
Sum was 39.791820526123 but should be 39.7912483215332
Function MBytes/sec Min (sec) Max Average
Copy 29190.297 0.00920 0.01023 0.00935
Mul 28857.390 0.00930 0.01076 0.00945
Add 28797.739 0.01398 0.01640 0.01422
Triad 28885.098 0.01394 0.01700 0.01419
Dot 26463.983 0.01014 0.01268 0.01038
mixbench-ocl/read-only (v0.01-?)
Use "-h" argument to see available options
------------------------ Device specifications ------------------------
Platform: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Device: Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO/Intel(R) Corporation
Driver version: 1.0
Address bits: 64
GPU clock rate: 0 MHz
Total global mem: 3276 MB
Max allowed buffer: 1638 MB
OpenCL version: OpenCL 2.1 NEO
Total CUs: 24
Buffer size: 256MB
Workgroup size: 256
Elements per workitem: 8
Workitem fusion degree: 4
Workitem stride: NDRange
Buffer allocation: Device allocated
Timer: CL event based
Loading kernel source file...
Precompilation of kernels... [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSV data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Experiment ID, Single Precision ops,,,, Double precision ops,,,, Half precision ops,,,, Integer operations,,,
Compute iters, Flops/byte, ex.time, GFLOPS, GB/sec, Flops/byte, ex.time, GFLOPS, GB/sec, Flops/byte, ex.time, GFLOPS, GB/sec, Iops/byte, ex.time, GIOPS, GB/sec
0, 0.250, 6.94, 4.84, 19.34, 0.125, 14.17, 2.37, 18.95, 0.500, 6.87, 9.76, 19.53, 0.250, 6.57, 5.10, 20.41
1, 0.750, 6.59, 15.27, 20.36, 0.375, 13.23, 7.61, 20.29, 1.500, 6.28, 32.08, 21.39, 0.750, 5.94, 16.96, 22.61
2, 1.250, 6.00, 27.97, 22.37, 0.625, 11.71, 14.32, 22.92, 2.500, 5.53, 60.65, 24.26, 1.250, 5.38, 31.18, 24.94
3, 1.750, 5.46, 42.98, 24.56, 0.875, 11.35, 20.69, 23.64, 3.500, 5.47, 85.81, 24.52, 1.750, 5.30, 44.31, 25.32
4, 2.250, 5.31, 56.82, 25.25, 1.125, 11.50, 26.27, 23.35, 4.500, 5.47, 110.44, 24.54, 2.250, 5.33, 56.70, 25.20
5, 2.750, 5.35, 69.02, 25.10, 1.375, 11.51, 32.07, 23.32, 5.500, 5.42, 136.27, 24.78, 2.750, 5.34, 69.18, 25.16
6, 3.250, 5.33, 81.86, 25.19, 1.625, 11.62, 37.53, 23.09, 6.500, 5.40, 161.67, 24.87, 3.250, 5.31, 82.15, 25.28
7, 3.750, 5.32, 94.64, 25.24, 1.875, 11.60, 43.38, 23.13, 7.500, 5.43, 185.34, 24.71, 3.750, 5.31, 94.71, 25.26
8, 4.250, 5.29, 107.78, 25.36, 2.125, 11.77, 48.46, 22.80, 8.500, 5.45, 209.48, 24.64, 4.250, 5.56, 102.56, 24.13
9, 4.750, 5.36, 119.02, 25.06, 2.375, 11.48, 55.55, 23.39, 9.500, 5.43, 234.62, 24.70, 4.750, 6.02, 105.92, 22.30
10, 5.250, 5.32, 132.46, 25.23, 2.625, 11.58, 60.85, 23.18, 10.500, 5.44, 258.86, 24.65, 5.250, 6.49, 108.58, 20.68
11, 5.750, 5.29, 145.84, 25.36, 2.875, 11.33, 68.12, 23.69, 11.500, 5.57, 277.26, 24.11, 5.750, 7.04, 109.66, 19.07
12, 6.250, 5.31, 157.89, 25.26, 3.125, 11.41, 73.54, 23.53, 12.500, 5.59, 300.00, 24.00, 6.250, 7.50, 111.89, 17.90
13, 6.750, 5.31, 170.55, 25.27, 3.375, 11.38, 79.65, 23.60, 13.500, 5.46, 331.91, 24.59, 6.750, 7.90, 114.64, 16.98
14, 7.250, 5.43, 179.28, 24.73, 3.625, 11.67, 83.38, 23.00, 14.500, 5.89, 330.58, 22.80, 7.250, 8.39, 116.00, 16.00
15, 7.750, 5.62, 185.18, 23.89, 3.875, 12.17, 85.45, 22.05, 15.500, 5.49, 379.18, 24.46, 7.750, 8.85, 117.52, 15.16
16, 8.250, 5.32, 208.31, 25.25, 4.125, 12.55, 88.24, 21.39, 16.500, 5.41, 409.00, 24.79, 8.250, 9.32, 118.75, 14.39
17, 8.750, 5.48, 214.47, 24.51, 4.375, 13.23, 88.75, 20.29, 17.500, 5.81, 404.33, 23.10, 8.750, 9.81, 119.77, 13.69
18, 9.250, 5.53, 224.49, 24.27, 4.625, 13.88, 89.43, 19.34, 18.500, 5.47, 453.77, 24.53, 9.250, 10.27, 120.86, 13.07
20, 10.250, 5.33, 258.17, 25.19, 5.125, 15.18, 90.60, 17.68, 20.500, 5.52, 498.43, 24.31, 10.250, 11.25, 122.25, 11.93
22, 11.250, 5.64, 267.55, 23.78, 5.625, 16.42, 91.97, 16.35, 22.500, 5.59, 540.58, 24.03, 11.250, 12.22, 123.52, 10.98
24, 12.250, 5.49, 299.47, 24.45, 6.125, 17.73, 92.74, 15.14, 24.500, 6.04, 544.16, 22.21, 12.250, 13.12, 125.36, 10.23
28, 14.250, 6.11, 313.13, 21.97, 7.125, 20.35, 94.00, 13.19, 28.500, 6.60, 579.46, 20.33, 14.250, 15.00, 127.47, 8.95
32, 16.250, 6.73, 323.90, 19.93, 8.125, 22.78, 95.74, 11.78, 32.500, 7.20, 606.20, 18.65, 16.250, 16.85, 129.47, 7.97
40, 20.250, 8.00, 339.68, 16.77, 10.125, 27.99, 97.09, 9.59, 40.500, 8.43, 644.75, 15.92, 20.250, 20.53, 132.41, 6.54
48, 24.250, 9.23, 352.76, 14.55, 12.125, 32.96, 98.74, 8.14, 48.500, 9.66, 673.92, 13.90, 24.250, 24.34, 133.71, 5.51
56, 28.250, 10.44, 363.04, 12.85, 14.125, 38.12, 99.46, 7.04, 56.500, 10.98, 690.92, 12.23, 28.250, 27.56, 137.60, 4.87
64, 32.250, 11.69, 370.32, 11.48, 16.125, 43.04, 100.56, 6.24, 64.500, 12.20, 709.70, 11.00, 32.250, 31.34, 138.10, 4.28
80, 40.250, 14.17, 381.19, 9.47, 20.125, 52.88, 102.16, 5.08, 80.500, 14.64, 738.22, 9.17, 40.250, 38.66, 139.76, 3.47
96, 48.250, 16.63, 389.36, 8.07, 24.125, 62.99, 102.80, 4.26, 96.500, 18.48, 700.69, 7.26, 48.250, 46.23, 140.07, 2.90
128, 64.250, 21.55, 400.16, 6.23, 32.125, 83.37, 103.44, 3.22, 128.500, 26.36, 654.19, 5.09, 64.250, 60.20, 143.24, 2.23
192, 96.250, 31.17, 414.44, 4.31, 48.125, 122.61, 105.37, 2.19, 192.500, 43.66, 591.74, 3.07, 96.250, 89.90, 143.70, 1.49
256, 128.250, 40.64, 423.54, 3.30, 64.125, 162.92, 105.66, 1.65, 256.500, 47.51, 724.63, 2.83, 128.250, 119.34, 144.24, 1.12
Geekbench 4.2.0 :
System Information
Operating System Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch) 4.16.0-041600rc1-generic x86_64
Model Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z170X-Gaming 7
Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z170X-Gaming 7
Memory 31.3 GB
BIOS American Megatrends Inc. F22j
Processor Information
Name Intel Core i5-6600K
Topology 1 Processor, 4 Cores
Identifier GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3
Base Frequency 3.90 GHz
L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB x 2
L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB x 2
L2 Cache 256 KB x 2
L3 Cache 6.00 MB
OpenCL Information
Platform Vendor Intel(R) Corporation
Platform Name Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
Device Vendor Intel(R) Corporation
Device Name Intel(R) Gen9 HD Graphics NEO
Maximum Frequency 0.00 Hz
Compute Units 24
Device Memory 3.20 GB
Sobel 30622 1.35 Gpixels/sec
Histogram Equalization 29861 933.0 Mpixels/sec
SFFT 3760 9.37 Gflops
Gaussian Blur 34950 612.3 Mpixels/sec
Face Detection 14945 4.37 Msubwindows/sec
RAW 128223 1.24 Gpixels/sec
Depth of Field 36742 106.7 Mpixels/sec
Particle Physics 14984 2368.8 FPS
Benchmark Summary
OpenCL Score 24427
On extensions in Linux, not present in Windows: NEO supports Windows and Linux using the same code base, but there is some latency in delivering the Windows closed source driver (integration, validation, signing) compared to Linux, where the source code is provided continously. These extensions will be present in the Windows shortly. New features on Windows will be present in subsequent driver releases.
On cl_khr_create_command_queue: Posting of the spec for this extension is WIP in Khronos.
On gl-sharing: The NEO driver on Windows provides sharing with the closed source OGL driver developed by VPG. On Linux, we intend to add sharing with MESA, but do not have any firm timelines as of today.
really thanks for info.. guess I can close..
Ok, I compiled today the driver and run and up to date clinfo tool (full report below):
extensions differences vs Windows driver are: Linux drv has (and Windows no): cl_khr_priority_hints cl_khr_throttle_hints cl_khr_create_command_queue
more info on "cl_khr_create_command_queue" extension, please? can't find info on OpenCL registry..
Win drv has (and Linux drv no): cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing
as you mention on README "delta" other driver: OpenGL sharing with MESA driver..
this means currently there is no OpenGL interop on Neo with Mesa right? are you working on it/have plans to implement it?
thanks.. Report: