intel / cve-bin-tool

The CVE Binary Tool helps you determine if your system includes known vulnerabilities. You can scan binaries for over 200 common, vulnerable components (openssl, libpng, libxml2, expat and others), or if you know the components used, you can get a list of known vulnerabilities associated with an SBOM or a list of components and versions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.18k stars 454 forks source link

OSSF Scorecards #1541

Closed Molkree closed 1 year ago

Molkree commented 2 years ago

What do you think about using Open Source Security Foundation' Scorecards (repo)? They check quite a long list of things, including branch protection rules, fuzzing, pinned dependencies, signed releases, etc (list of checks). There is a GitHub Action. I found out about this project from the recent GitHub blog post announcing V4 and GitHub Action.

anthonyharrison commented 2 years ago

@Molkree I think this is a good idea but @terriko is already looking at how the tool can be made OSSF compliant. There are a number of features which aren't currently done, including some of the new features. Maybe this would make a suitable project for GSOC?

terriko commented 2 years ago

I'm also on the openSSF mailing lists and learned about the new scorecard stuff! I think yes, this is a thing we want to do eventually. I'm not sure we're actually ready for it yet, or maybe it's more accurate to say that I haven't gotten to that step in the process yet.

Currently, I'm working on the best practices badge (was CII, now OpenSSF best practices):

To finish that I still need to

I want the best practices badge at 100% first before we start enabling the scorecard, but I'm happy to get it set up after that. If anyone wants to help get us to 100%, setting up weekly fuzzing runs in CI would be a good place to contribute right now.

Not sure that this it a viable gsoc project since it looks like a lot of these tasks are going to have to be done by someone with admin access to the repo, but I'd be willing to entertain a project idea if someone can clearly divide out the parts that can be done by someone who isn't me.

terriko commented 2 years ago

And yes, I realize that you don't have to have the Best Practices Badge in order to enable the scorecard, this is just a priority list for me.

terriko commented 1 year ago

Update here: when we do the next release we will have completed the basic practices badge (I'm waiting on release so we can say that we did the fuzzing pre-release). I'm going to tag this with the "future" milestone so we can look into doing more after 3.2 is out.

terriko commented 1 year ago

Update: We've finished the "passing" basic badge and 3.2 is out, so it's probably time to work on enabling the automatic scorecard. We may also want to look into the "silver" or "gold" levels.

terriko commented 1 year ago

I've done a quick pass on the next two levels in case anyone's interested:

silver: gold:

We're around 3/4 of the way there even on those. Some of the remaining issues are governance-type stuff that can really only be done by me, but some is things like handling warnings, improving test coverage, verifying that urllib3/requests are using only good crypto algorithms, looking at accessibility issues in cve-bin-tool, etc. and could be done by anyone who wants to spend the time. If anyone works on any of those and wants me to update the score card, let me know.