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infra: funding: Come up with a way to fund infra from community #1243

Open pdxjohnny opened 2 years ago

pdxjohnny commented 2 years ago

programmer290399 commented 2 years ago
pdxjohnny commented 2 years ago

I'm a fan of the brave stuff but have heard creators had issues transferring tokens. Have you heard of any issues with that? Might have been from a while ago and fixed now. I'm a huge proponent of this approach.

Even if we don't withdraw into a bank and directly use some provider like BitLaunch or birhost (as shared by @r00tkillah on twitter) I think we'd be good to go.

One of those hosting providers is probably the way to go right now. We should probably avoid connecting real credit cards, etc. to any of the infra since that would be tied to a single person. Long term our options include setting up a 501c3 non-profit, or something like that. . Or maybe joining something like the Linux Foundation.

For those who want to allow their personal infrastructure to be accessible (for example a home server). We will be able to allow them to expose functionality easily to the community should they wish (via the orchestrator and other stuff being worked on with dataflows). I'm going to be writing a lot of tutorials on all that soon.

It's important that we keep funding in mind long term with the project. Google graciously provides funds for GSoC. One of our goals could be to figure out how we could fund a non-GSoC intern, in the event we don't get as many GSoC slots as we'd hoped. (Or maybe someone's work during the winter).

Eventually it would be great if we could flush out how some kind of bounty system could work ( for contributors tackling issues.

programmer290399 commented 2 years ago
programmer290399 commented 2 years ago

More on Brave's BAT

This website has a ton of great tutorials which might be helpful for us in one or more ways. Do visit :

Big thanks to @LukeSmithxyz 👍🏽

programmer290399 commented 2 years ago

Also I guess we can use the GitHub's sponsor button on our repository if that is fine, this page has some good documentation related to it:

mhash1m commented 2 years ago

I think also lets you pay through crypto, not sure about the automation. But, it is a proven service and is cheaper I think compared to linode, digital ocean and vultr (The ones supported by

Also, there are free limited vps services as well, usually for up to a year and of course with limited resources, eg. AWS Free Tier

I'm actually using it to run a node for a project. The project is somewhat along the lines of BAT(in terms of earning) as @programmer290399 mentioned above, would love to share in the upcoming meeting.

pdxjohnny commented 2 years ago

found by @mHash1m:

get around 3 tokens a day, could set up a node