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shouldi: deptree: Create dependency tree of project #596

Open pdxjohnny opened 4 years ago

pdxjohnny commented 4 years ago

The idea behind the work that was done so far in the above branch was to produce the full dependency tree for a given python package. We'll want this to be the shouldi deptree command (as opposed to shouldi install)

It's currently in a state where it can grab package names out of files. It also needs to be able to grab them out of setup.cfg files and requirements.txt files.

Another thing that's missing is the version number of the package. Right now the latest version of each package is being downloaded. We need to check if the package was pinned to a version and download that version (if example_package==0.3.1 for example we'd download version 0.3.1 of example_package). Come up with reasonable ways to handle all the following cases:

There is also a new output operation that needs to be made for this work. It's the Tree output operation. It's not working at the moment. What it should do is output a dict similar to the way config structures work with their use of plugin and config (you'll see what I'm about when you read the existing code.

pdxjohnny commented 4 years ago

This would probably help us figure out what's wrong with #737

pdxjohnny commented 1 year ago
pdxjohnny commented 1 year ago

2022-10-25 Alice Initiative welcome aboard!

pdxjohnny commented 1 year ago

2022-11-02 Harsh/John

  -j, --json            Display dependency tree as json. This will yield "raw"
                        output that may be used by external tools. This option
                        overrides all other options.
$ git clone
$ cd dffml
$ python -m venv .venv
$ git checkout -b deptree
$ . .venv/Scripts/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev]
$ cd examples/shouldi
$ pip install -e .[dev]

pdxjohnny commented 1 year ago

A discussion today revealed we should go with the file paring approach (rather than pipdeptree)

pdxjohnny commented 1 year ago
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