the current Makefiles (Products/ESIF_UF/Chrome86/Release/ and such) have issues (these aren't specific to Chromium OS ... these apply to all the Makefiles):
CC should not override the env. it should utilize $(origin) like so:
ifneq ($(filter default undefined,$(origin CC)),)
CC := gcc
CFLAGS should not be ignored or hardcode optimization settings; should rename CC_OPTIONS to CFLAGS while fixing this.
# These are the defaults.
CFLAGS ?= -o9 -m32 -pipe ...
# These are the ones we want to always use.
CFLAGS += -Wno-multichar
CPPFLAGS should not be ignored; should rename INC to CPPFLAGS while fixing this.
the current Makefiles (Products/ESIF_UF/Chrome86/Release/ and such) have issues (these aren't specific to Chromium OS ... these apply to all the Makefiles):