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Failed to connect the BT PAN (GN/NAP) without connect edison with PC at frist. #19

Open shenhaiyun opened 8 years ago

shenhaiyun commented 8 years ago

Terminal 1 root@edison:~#rfkill unblock bluetooth root@edison:~# bluetoothctl [NEW] Controller 00:11:22:33:55:DDedison [default] [bluetooth]# agent on Agent registered [bluetooth]# default-agent Default agent request successful [bluetooth]# power on Changing power on succeeded [bluetooth]# discoverable on Changing discoverable on succeeded

Terminal 2 archermind@archermind-HP-Pro-3330-MT:$./ Warning: Permanently added'' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. mkdir: cannot create directory 'test':File exists Warning: Permanently added'' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. 100% 1567 1.5KB/s 00:00 …........ test-nap 100% 889 0.9KB/s 00:00 test-network 100% 1156 1.1KB/s 00:00 test-pan 100% 1243 1.2KB/s 00:00 test-profile 100% 3243 3.2KB/s 00:00 test-proximity 100% 1891 1.9KB/s 00:00 test-sap-server 100% 3440 3.4KB/s 00:00 test-thermometer 100% 2772 2.7KB/s 00:00 Warning: Permanently added'' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Let's turn the DUT in Discoverable Mode Run the pand service on PC : sudo pand-n --connect 00:11:22:33:55:DD --service GN Enter a letter and Press enter when it's done !

Terminal 3 archermind@archermind-HP-Pro-3330-MT:~$sudo pand -n --connect 00:11:22:33:55:DD --service GN pand[26930]: Bluetooth PAN daemonversion 4.98 pand[26930]: Connecting to00:11:22:33:55:DD pand[26930]: Connect to00:11:22:33:55:DD failed. Host is down(112) archermind@archermind-HP-Pro-3330-MT:~$

We have tried to find some ways to solve this issue. The first one, we input the “power on” after running the script ,but it is not successful. The second one, after run the script,we have connected the edison to PC by manually. then run sudo pand -n --connect 00:11:22:33:55:DD --service GN can be worked successfully.