Open eero-t opened 5 years ago
In my case, installation of libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev
will fail, but it seems that it partially succeeds as well so that I can include the header file afterwards.
[cmake] -- Checking for modules 'gstreamer-1.0;gstreamer-app-1.0;gstreamer-video-1.0;gstreamer-codecparsers-1.0'
[cmake] -- Found gstreamer-1.0, version 1.14.5
[cmake] -- Found gstreamer-app-1.0, version 1.14.5
[cmake] -- Found gstreamer-video-1.0, version 1.14.5
[cmake] -- Found gstreamer-codecparsers-1.0, version 1.14.5
If dependency is optional, code shouldn't try to use it when it's missing (and if dependency is required, configuration phase should fail).
On Ubuntu 18.04, cgstreamer-codecparsers-1.0 is part of libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev package which pulls in huge number of deps (OpenCV, OpenCL, MySQL client...), so I'd rather do builds without needing to install half the world first.