intel / hyperscan

High-performance regular expression matching library
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Can parameters limitPatternLength and limitLiteralCount be increased? #429

Open rongekuta opened 3 months ago

rongekuta commented 3 months ago

i prepare to use hyperscan to match patterns like: 1) .abc{dict1}abc 2) .123{dict2}123

dict1 and dict2 are big string set (stored in file), like: dict1: jack rose mike ...

dict2: tom jerry lily ...

i transform my patterns by expanding strings of dict as: 1) .abc(jack|rose|mike|...)abc 2) .123(tom|jerry|lily)123

because dict1 and dict2 is so large (>20MB) so transformed pattern is too large, so hyperscan raise error: "Pattern length exceeds limit"

beloved source code is :

so can parameters limitPatternLength and limitLiteralCount be increased to match a large pattern with a dict?

rongekuta commented 3 months ago

i modify limitPatternLength and limitLiteralCount to 1MB, and use large pattern to compile, and found hyperscan compile is too slow