intel / intel-data-center-gpu-driver-for-openshift

Intel Data Center GPU Drivers for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
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Red Hat UBI Base Image Security/CVE Vulnerability for OOT driver container Image #29

Open uMartinXu opened 1 year ago

uMartinXu commented 1 year ago


How to handle Red Hat UBI Base Image Security/CVE Vulnerability for OOT driver container Image.


According to the suggestion from KMM Operator project, Red Hat UBI-minimal base image is used to package the Intel data center gpu driver container image. During the RH certifying process, a CVE Vulnerability was found in this base image. This vulnerability comes from curl package addressed by CVE2023-23916. To resolve this vulnerability and pass the RH certification, we have to recreate the image by using the new UBI-minimal based image which includes the latest curl package with the CVE update.


However, From this CVE vulnerability following potential problems are worthy us to pay attention to.

Possible solutions


According to April-19 KMM upstream meeting, in the future, we even can only package the kernel modules without the base image. That might be the best solution to resolve this issue

uMartinXu commented 1 year ago

@qbarrand @ybettan can you have a look at this issue, please?

ybettan commented 1 year ago

Is the UBI-minimal base image is good and safe enough for the OOT driver container image?

I am not aware of any other image which not ubi-minimal or ubi that will pass the certification process (I am not familiar enough with the process though so I may be mistaken here)

Maybe @bthurber can add some insights here.

bthurber commented 1 year ago

DTK image is the recommend pattern to build a needed OOT driver container from. It ultimately is based on the RHEL UBI image. The RHEL UBI image is updated every few weeks. The chain of images looks like: RHEL UBI -> OCP base images -> DTK Inherently there can be a delay between when the updated RHEL UBI image lands, OCP base images are updated and when the DTK image is rebuilt.

uMartinXu commented 1 year ago

According to @qbarrand, in today's KMM upstream meeting, in the future, we even can only package the kernel modules without the base image. That is the best solution to resolve this issue. Thanks @bthurber @ybettan @qbarrand. But we still need to figure out some detail in the future, like how to do the RH certification without the UBI base image.

ybettan commented 1 year ago

Just for clarifying. "In the future" means in KMM V2, hopefully.

chaitanya1731 commented 1 year ago

@qbarrand any updates here? Is this taken in for the plan of KMM v2?

bthurber commented 1 year ago

@qbarrand any updates here? Is this taken in for the plan of KMM v2?

This isn't related to KMM. This is specific to DTK, UBI and the RH image certification process and is something we can bring to the attention of our team which handles image and operator certifications.