intel / libxcam

libXCam is a project for extended camera(not limited in camera) features and focus on image quality improvement and video analysis. There are lots features supported in image pre-processing, image post-processing and smart analysis. This library makes GPU/CPU/ISP working together to improve image quality. OpenCL is used to improve performance in different platforms.
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How do I specify OpenCV calibration parameters? #800

Open mikqs opened 2 years ago

mikqs commented 2 years ago

I am trying to pass opencv calibration parameters. How do I enable this type of calibration ? What is the file format ? The file contents and the naming for each parameter ? The required file name ? Where is the documentation for the parser ?

zongwave commented 2 years ago

we do not implement an OpenCV calibration parser, we defined fisheye calibration parameters by ourselves.

and we implemented calibration parser to get parameters from json or a text file.