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Vtune profiling support in SGX enclave #472

Open weicz11 opened 4 years ago

weicz11 commented 4 years ago

Hi, as I know, "SGX Hotspots" is supproted in vtune since 2016. I noticed that there is a piece of code of function __create_enclave in psw (urts/urts_com.h), so what is the propose of this code below? Is it helpful for vtune profiling in sgx enclave? How can I enable the isVTuneProfiling flag?

` if(debug || !(get_enclave_creator()->use_se_hw())) { SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Debug enclave. Checking if VTune is profiling or SGX_DBG_OPTIN is set\n");

    __itt_init_ittlib(NULL, __itt_group_none);
    bool isVTuneProfiling;
    if(__itt_get_ittapi_global()->api_initialized && __itt_get_ittapi_global()->lib)
        isVTuneProfiling = true;
        isVTuneProfiling = false;

    bool is_SGX_DBG_OPTIN_set = false;
    is_SGX_DBG_OPTIN_set = is_SGX_DBG_OPTIN_variable_set();
    if (isVTuneProfiling || is_SGX_DBG_OPTIN_set)
        SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "VTune is profiling or SGX_DBG_OPTIN is set\n");

        bool thread_updated;
        thread_updated = enclave->update_debug_flag(1);

        if(thread_updated == false)
            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Failed to update debug OPTIN bit\n");
            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Updated debug OPTIN bit\n");

        if (isVTuneProfiling)
            uint64_t enclave_start_addr;
            uint64_t enclave_end_addr;
            const char* enclave_path;
            enclave_start_addr = (uint64_t) loader.get_start_addr();
            enclave_end_addr = enclave_start_addr + (uint64_t) metadata->enclave_size -1;

            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Invoking VTune's module mapping API __itt_module_load \n");
            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Enclave_start_addr==0x%llx\n", enclave_start_addr);
            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Enclave_end_addr==0x%llx\n", enclave_end_addr);

            enclave_path = (const char*);
            SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Enclave_path==%s\n",  enclave_path);
            __itt_module_load((void*)enclave_start_addr, (void*) enclave_end_addr, enclave_path);
MWShan commented 4 years ago

This topic was also discussed here:

The isVTuneProfiling flag can be set by either running the application in the VTune Profiler or by setting an environment variable defined on page 20 of

If VTune is profiling, then the code will:

dsethi commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am playing around with tune as well. I see that in the code above, the enclave is being loaded by vtune and the line: SE_TRACE(SE_TRACE_DEBUG, "Enclave_path==%s\n", enclave_path); prints the path correctly. However, after the run completes, tune report only shows events from the driver (e.g. page loads) and not application functions/lines which take the most cpu cycles. The application binary does have the symbols as well. Not sure if I am missing something here?