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VAAPI HDR10 drops green channel when performing ffmpeg Tonemap vaapi in combination with hevcencoder if Primaries aren't specified #1386

Closed FCLC closed 1 year ago

FCLC commented 2 years ago

System information

Issue behavior

This is a branch of another problem discovered while working on #1342 regarding vaapi hardware accelerated ffmpeg filters on ADL-S.

When using HEVC encoding on HDR10 in the pipeline

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=-1,tonemap_vaapi=format=nv12:primaries=bt2020:t=bt709' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

we receive: image

where as using ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=-1,tonemap_vaapi=format=nv12:primaries=bt709:t=bt709' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

creates the correct:


However the filter tonemap_vaapi propagates the input colour primaries (in this case bt 2020, but we must use bt709 to get a usable image out of the encoder)

Describe the current behavior

encoder does not correctly use BT2020 colour primaries

Describe the expected behavior

can correctly use BT2020 colour primaries in tonempaing in combination with HEVC encoder.

issue is not present in vaapi_vp9, vaapi_h264 or any quicksync encoders (including HEVC).

Debug information

Checking for module 'igdgmm>=12.0.0'
--   Found igdgmm, version 12.1.0
FCLC commented 2 years ago

ffmpeg config (latest available from upstream as of 2022/04/16):

ffmpeg version N-106610-g24144af2dd Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 12.0.1 (GCC) 20220412 (experimental)
  configuration: --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-ladspa --enable-libaom --enable-libass --enable-libcodec2 --enable-libdav1d --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libjack --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librabbitmq --enable-librubberband --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-lv2 --enable-omx --enable-sdl2 --enable-librsvg --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libx264 --enable-opencl --cc=gcc-12 --enable-libmfx --extra-cflags=-Wno-unused-function --enable-nonfree

source file:

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

Will look into it and update it.

FCLC commented 2 years ago

Update to this:

seems it also effects h264, mpeg2, mjpeg as well as h264_qsv.

haven't had time to test more, will follow up time permitting

softworkz commented 2 years ago


What are you expecting to achieve with those parameters?

  1. Rec. 2020 defines a bit depth of either 10 or 12 bits => but nv12 is an 8bit format - it doesn't make sense to use 2020 primaries with that pixel format
  2. Using bt709 transfer characteristics in combination with 2020 primaries => I don't think that this is valid at all and even if it was, it's still pretty unusual.
FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info. Will check this issue and provide feedback this week.

FCLC commented 2 years ago


What are you expecting to achieve with those parameters?

1. Rec. 2020 defines a bit depth of either 10 or 12 bits
   => but nv12 is an 8bit format - it doesn't  make sense to use 2020 primaries with that pixel format

2. Using bt709 transfer characteristics in combination with 2020 primaries
   => I don't think that this is valid at all and even if it was, it's still pretty unusual.

The above example is one of many. The same happens when using: ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020,scale_vaapi=format=p010' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y (note that every part of the filter has explicit setting of 10bit colour)


The reason that the initial example was set the way it was was for control of variables. Per documentation, the tonemap_vaapi filter defaults to outputting in nv12 when nothing is explicitly set.


The filter has 4 parameters: Format, Primaries, Transfer and Matrix.

Of those 4, Format defaults to nv12, Primaries defaults to same as input, Transfer defaults to bt709 and Matrix defaults to same as input.

What this means is that, for most (all?) cases where HDR10 content is passed to the filter, the filter will be initialized with:


When we then pass this to a 10bit capable encoder in a 10 bit capable format (say we use p010,bt2020,bt2020,bt2020nc and pass that to hevc_vaapi) we still have the same issue as above, the resulting command and output being:

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y


The above, with the singular change of primaries to bt709 with command ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt709:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

Which then results in:


softworkz commented 2 years ago

The above example is one of many.

There are not really that many examples. You cannot arbitrarily combine all those parameters to get a valid result.

I think the primaries parameter is what switches tonemap_vaapi between HDR-to-HDR and HDR-to-SDR tone mapping.

The same happens when using: ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020,scale_vaapi=format=p010' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y (note that every part of the filter has explicit setting of 10bit colour)

For encoding 10 bit HEVC, you might need to set the HevcProfileMain10 profile (I'm not sure whether it's auto-selected otherwise). If that doesn't fix it, then there might be in fact a bug. I'm always only using HDR-to-SDR tone mapping, so I have no experience with that case.

But some of your command lines just don't make sense, I would really focus on that one (I quoted) if HDR-to-HDR is your goal.

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

@FCLC , from the description, You cannot arbitrarily combine all those parameters to get a valid result. Need to set those values according the info.

Please see the description of VAAPI about the description of VAAPI: VAProcColorStandardType _VAProcColorProperties HDR10 needs to set the value as the below. And it should be 10bit or 12bit instead of 8bit. /* \brief Explicitly specified color properties.

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

@xhaihao , from @softworkz , HDR-to-SDR is working. Have you folks once validated HDR-To-HDR from FFMPEG side? Thanks.

softworkz commented 2 years ago

@xhaihao , from @softworkz , HDR-to-SDR is working. Have you folks once validated HDR-To-HDR from FFMPEG side? Thanks.

I've never tried this (no use case for it).

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

@softworkz , you have never tried HDR to HDR, or HDR to SDR? Thanks in advance!

softworkz commented 2 years ago

Always and only ever HDR-to-SDR.

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago


This example is correct. HDR(HDR10) video to bt2020-transfer-characteristic p010 format tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:t=bt2020-10

If HDR10 input, the value should be like this Format: 10bit or 12bit, P010 decoded raw data primaries, p: bt2020 transfer, t: ST2084.

Please use the correct combination, thanks in advance!

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

Always and only ever HDR-to-SDR.

Thanks @softworkz !

FCLC commented 2 years ago

My alder lake chip is being sent out for RMA currently after dying the other morning; I wonder if that has/had something to do with the issues I was seing

FurongZhang commented 2 years ago

@FCLC , I am curious what you are working on? Is it a company or individual? What kinds of product you are for? Thanks.

FCLC commented 2 years ago

@FCLC , I am curious what you are working on? Is it a company or individual? What kinds of product you are for? Thanks.

I'm independent and working mostly on AVX-512FP16 accelerated SIMD support for libraries in HPC environments. I also happen to be a pretty big movie guy, so projects like FFMPEG have been a recent interest of mine. (Especially when it comes to maximizing usage of AVX2/AVX512 to better utilize these next gen ISA's.)

As for what I'm working on, I'm currently finishing a graduate program and hoping to be back into industry in either August or December.

softworkz commented 2 years ago

I wonder what the use case would be for HDR-to-HDR tone mapping?

FCLC commented 2 years ago

@FCLC , from the description, You cannot arbitrarily combine all those parameters to get a valid result. Need to set those values according the info.

Please see the description of VAAPI about the description of VAAPI: VAProcColorStandardType _VAProcColorProperties HDR10 needs to set the value as the below. And it should be 10bit or 12bit instead of 8bit. /* \brief Explicitly specified color properties. Use corresponding color properties section. For example, HDR10 content: colour_primaries = 9 (BT2020) transfer_characteristics = 16 (SMPTE ST2084) matrix_coefficients = 9 / VAProcColorStandardExplicit, And more, there is sample code about how to use HDR10 Tone Mapping:

Yup, one the same page!

What I'm getting at is that, when the tonemap_vaapi filter is used for HDR-SDR, we face a decision on how to handle the content.

if it's going to be sent to H264, VP8, mpeg2, mjpeg then we known it's going to be nv12/8 bit. (technically H264 has the option for 10-bit, but it's so rare as to be irrelevant for this discussion, as well as not supported in hardware.)

if it's going to be sent to HEVC/AV1/VP9 it can be 10-bit or 12-bit

if it is 10-bit, we use p010

if it is 12-bit we use [unknown,I think we use a 16-bit format. @softworkz do you know offhand? if not I'll ping Lynne] EDIT: heard back from the ffmpeg IRC, we think it's in p016

The filter by default is spec'd to return the base format of the input file, unless otherwise changed.


10bit, HDR10 source in HEVC container, tonemapped and sent to SDR 8bit hevc:

Decoded (either directly by a hardware decoder or by a software decoder then uploaded to GPU memory)

filter calls intel VA driver VA driver looks at the tonemapping information in the source file VA driver uses tonemapping information to apply a hard map to the input file

Input file is now 10bit SDR (p010), in other words a standard 10bit hardware stream in p010

Problem is here

if we pass to an hevc container, it implies 8,10 or 12 bit.

by default, output is mapped to 8 bit

We need to convert from 10bit to 8 bit, or in other words format p010 -> format nv12

However the command is equivalent to

ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

The tonemap filter, when not given specific args, will default to the source files for some options, and imply it's own for others.

This is tonemap_vaapi=format=nv12:primaries=[SAME AS INPUT]:transfer=bt709:matrix=[SAME AS INPUT]

(Format defaults to nv12, Primaries defaults to same as input, Transfer defaults to bt709 and Matrix defaults to same as input.)

When I tested above, that resulted in: ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

and the output was


To me anyway, that looks like something isnt being propagated to the encoder OR the filter is having issues.

It's possible that the default format to nv12 is an issue.

Perhaps an auto insert scale filter needs to be added to pure hardware pipelines?

HEVC_vaapi has the following options which could help/be relevant:

-profile           <int>        E..V....... Set profile (general_profile_idc) (from -99 to 255) (default -99)
     main            1            E..V.......
     main10          2            E..V.......
 -tier              <int>        E..V....... Set tier (general_tier_flag) (from 0 to 1) (default main)
     main            0            E..V.......
     high            1            E..V.......
 -sei               <flags>      E..V....... Set SEI to include (default hdr)
     hdr                          E..V....... Include HDR metadata for mastering display colour volume and content light 
FCLC commented 2 years ago

I wonder what the use case would be for HDR-to-HDR tone mapping?

but I can see a scenario for conversion from HDR10+ to HDR10? Otherwise I can also see a use case for cointaner swapping, something like AV1_12 to HEVC_10?

Say we had a source that was HDR10+(not currently supported, but on roadmap I believe) in a 12bit AV1 container

if we want to keep the metadata, I think we need to still apply some of the tonemapping data to the source file before converting from HDR10+ 12 bit to HDR10

softworkz commented 2 years ago

I wonder what the use case would be for HDR-to-HDR tone mapping?

but I can see a scenario for conversion from HDR10+ to HDR10? Otherwise I can also see a use case for cointaner swapping, something like AV1_12 to HEVC_10?

Say we had a source that was HDR10+(not currently supported, but on roadmap I believe) in a 12bit AV1 container

if we want to keep the metadata, I think we need to still apply some of the tonemapping data to the source file before converting from HDR10+ 12 bit to HDR10

This does not require tone mapping. HDR10+ files are always backward compatible with HDR10. When you rescale or reduce bitness from 12 to 10, there's no need to perform tone mapping. Both, the HDR10 (static) as well as the HDR10+ (dynamic, per frame or frames group) will be retained.

softworkz commented 2 years ago

Otherwise I can also see a use case for cointaner swapping, something like AV1_12 to HEVC_10?

This would be codec swapping, not container swapping.

I don't think that ffmpeg supports HDR metadata yet with AV1. The spec is pretty new (

FCLC commented 2 years ago

Fair enough- in that case I'm not certain.

And yes, HDR meta data in AV1 is not super well supported. per

we can use

ffmpeg -i "source.mkv" \
-map 0:V:0 \
-vf crop=3840:1600:0:280,scale=1920:-1:flags=spline \
-c:v libsvtav1 -svtav1-params "preset=6:crf=13:tune=0:enable-hdr=1:color-primaries=9:transfer-characteristics=16:matrix-coefficients=9:mastering-display=G(0.265,0.69)B(0.15,0.06)R(0.68,0.32)WP(0.3127,0.329)L(4000.0,0.005):content-light=10000,424" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le \
-map 0:a:0 -c:a:0 libopus -b:a:0 640k -mapping_family:a:0 1 -filter:a:0 aformat=channel_layouts="7.1|6.1|5.1|stereo|mono" \
-map 0:s:0? -c:s copy \
softworkz commented 2 years ago

Problem is here [..]

Please use the command lines I posted. As @FurongZhang had already mentioned: only very specific combinations are working, you are not free to choose whatever you like.

softworkz commented 2 years ago

And yes, HDR meta data in AV1 is not super well supported. per

we can use [..]

This is getting a bit off-topic, I think...

softworkz commented 2 years ago

I think it's years away before this will become relevant. First there must be a spec, then it takes clients that implement it, then it requires content providers to provide such content, but then - all HDR capable devices will still support HEVC and all content will still be available in HEVC. So why would somebody want to re-encode HEVC-HDR to AV1-HDR or vice-versa? Only when (even later), there might be players that don't support HEVC (maybe due to license cost) or content providers that don't deliver video in HEVC. Re-encoding always involves a quality loss, so you wouldn't want to do such re-encoding "just-for-fun" 😉

FCLC commented 2 years ago

Problem is here [..]

Please use the command lines I posted. As @FurongZhang had already mentioned: only very specific combinations are working, you are not free to choose whatever you like.

I'm aware. The problem is getting tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:t=bt2020-10 to h264.

The usecase of tonemap_vaapi is partially to convert a high quality input file to a lower quality, high compatibility file, something like 4k HEVC_10bit HDR @ ~ 50mbps to 2k h264 SDR 5mbps

Per my post above:

When we then pass this to a 10bit capable encoder in a 10 bit capable format (say we use p010,bt2020,bt2020,bt2020nc and pass that to hevc_vaapi) we still have the same issue as above, the resulting command and output being:

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y


The above, with the singular change of primaries to bt709 with command ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt709:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

Which then results in:


tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020:transfer=bt2020-10:matrix=bt2020nc is equivalent to tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:t=bt2020-10 when the primaries are bt-2020 and the matrix are bt2020nc

in this case, perhaps specifying to hevc_vaapi to use 10 bit (instead of relying on autodetect) could fix the issue?

FCLC commented 2 years ago

I think it's years away before this will become relevant. First there must be a spec, then it takes clients that implement it, then it requires content providers to provide such content, but then - all HDR capable devices will still support HEVC and all content will still be available in HEVC. So why would somebody want to re-encode HEVC-HDR to AV1-HDR or vice-versa? Only when (even later), there might be players that don't support HEVC (maybe due to license cost) or content providers that don't deliver video in HEVC. Re-encoding always involves a quality loss, so you wouldn't want to do such re-encoding "just-for-fun" wink

Agreed. Supporting it preemptively is a good thing, but that's very much OT

FCLC commented 2 years ago

Once I'm setup with things working again, ill try force setting main10 in hevc_vaapi in the command that you commented on:

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020,scale_vaapi=format=p010' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

would be come something like

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -hide_banner -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'tonemap_vaapi=format=p010:primaries=bt2020,scale_vaapi=format=p010' -c:a copy -c:v hevc_vaapi -profile main10 -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

Because of the dead chip I'm having to recompile everything to the limited avx2 ISA, which has been a bit of a nightmare...

softworkz commented 2 years ago

None of the above was my command line!

FCLC commented 2 years ago

None of the above was my command line!

I miss understood this post then

softworkz commented 2 years ago

Here it is again:

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -y -c:v:0 hevc -hwaccel:v:0 vaapi -hwaccel_device:v:0 /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format:v:0 vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -filter_complex "[v:0]scale_vaapi@f1=w=640:h=360,tonemap_vaapi@f2=format=nv12:matrix=bt709:primaries=bt709:transfer=bt709[f2_out0]" -map [f2_out0] -an -sn -c:v:0 h264_vaapi out.mkv

For hevc output just change h264_vaapi to hevc_vaapi.

FCLC commented 2 years ago

Reposing the question:

Given a user with these goals:

use intel i/d GPU with ffmpeg to convert and tonemap an HEVC 10bit HDR DCI 4k file to h264 8bit SDR at DCI 2k, using hardware acceleration for on the fly trans coding, what should that command look like?

using a simple filter, I believe ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=-1,tonemap_vaapi=format=nv12:primaries=bt709:t=bt709' -c:a copy -c:v h264_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

is correct

softworkz commented 2 years ago

None of the above was my command line!

I miss understood this post then #1386 (comment)

That was about the HDR-to-HDR tone mapping. I think we got past this already as you don't have a use case for it.

softworkz commented 2 years ago

Reposing the question:

Given a user with these goals:

use intel i/d GPU with ffmpeg to convert and tonemap an HEVC 10bit HDR DCI 4k file to h264 8bit SDR at DCI 2k, using hardware acceleration for on the fly trans coding, what should that command look like?

using a simple filter, I believe ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -vf 'scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=-1,tonemap_vaapi=format=nv12:primaries=bt709:t=bt709' -c:a copy -c:v h264_vaapi -b:v 10M -map 0 output/output/sdr_output.mp4 -y

is correct

This is how it's working (again):

ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -y -c:v:0 hevc -hwaccel:v:0 vaapi -hwaccel_device:v:0 /dev/dri/renderD128 -hwaccel_output_format:v:0 vaapi -i hdr_source.mp4 -filter_complex "[v:0]scale_vaapi@f1=w=640:h=360,tonemap_vaapi@f2=format=nv12:matrix=bt709:primaries=bt709:transfer=bt709[f2_out0]" -map [f2_out0] -an -sn -c:v:0 h264_vaapi out.mkv

FCLC commented 2 years ago

None of the above was my command line!

I miss understood this post then #1386 (comment) That was about the HDR-to-HDR tone mapping. I think we got past this already as you don't have a use case for it.

That's what I want to get to next. I can imagine a case where a user is in a limited bandwidth scenario (perhaps wifi on a local nextwork?)

and wants to limit an existing file to something lower such as 10mbps, but the TV/receiver/device has support for the full set of features within the content.

We then need to extract the existing metadata and apply it to a newly computed file.

How would we do this

softworkz commented 2 years ago

That's what I want to get to next. I can imagine a case where a user is in a limited bandwidth scenario (perhaps wifi on a local nextwork?)

and wants to limit an existing file to something lower such as 10mbps, but the TV/receiver/device has support for the full set of features within the content.

We then need to extract the existing metadata and apply it to a newly computed file.

How would we do this

Just use a scale_vaapi filter and nothing else (no tone mapping).

softworkz commented 2 years ago

I can't promise that it's working, but that's how it's supposed to work (when it's all fully implemented in ffmpeg).

ffmpeg attaches the dynamic HDR data (and many other SEI data bits) to each frame. This is preserved, even when frames are processed by hardware. Finally, the encoder needs to insert the data into the bitstream.

FurongZhang commented 1 year ago

I suppose we have addressed this issue. Hence, close it. Please feel free to reopen it if any.