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How to evaluate the performance number of Bert-Large training #83

Open zhixingheyi-tian opened 3 years ago

zhixingheyi-tian commented 3 years ago

I encountered some confusion when I followed the guide-- to run training workload.

Running command:

nohup python ./ \
    --model-name=bert_large \
    --precision=fp32 \
    --mode=training \
    --framework=tensorflow \
    --batch-size=24 --mpi_num_processes=2 \
    --benchmark-only \
    --docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:2.3.0 \
    --volume $SQUAD_DIR:$SQUAD_DIR \
    --data-location=$BERT_LARGE_DIR \
    --num-intra-threads=26 \
    --num-inter-threads=1 \
-- train-option=SQuAD  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive   config_file=$BERT_LARGE_DIR/bert_config.json init_checkpoint=$BERT_LARGE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt     vocab_file=$BERT_LARGE_DIR/vocab.txt train_file=$SQUAD_DIR/train-v1.1.json     predict_file=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-v1.1.json      do-train=True learning-rate=1.5e-5   max-seq-length=384     do_predict=True warmup-steps=0     num_train_epochs=2     doc_stride=128      do_lower_case=False     experimental-gelu=False     mpi_workers_sync_gradients=True >> training-0609 &


INFO:tensorflow:Writing nbest to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/nbest_predictions.json
I0610 01:09:58.730417 140427424720704] Writing nbest to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/nbest_predictions.json
INFO:tensorflow:Processing example: 9000
I0610 01:13:27.192351 140160153200448] Processing example: 9000
INFO:tensorflow:Processing example: 10000
I0610 01:17:27.623694 140160153200448] Processing example: 10000
INFO:tensorflow:prediction_loop marked as finished
I0610 01:20:36.625470 140160153200448] prediction_loop marked as finished
INFO:tensorflow:prediction_loop marked as finished
I0610 01:20:36.625671 140160153200448] prediction_loop marked as finished
INFO:tensorflow:Writing predictions to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/1/predictions.json
I0610 01:20:36.625791 140160153200448] Writing predictions to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/1/predictions.json
INFO:tensorflow:Writing nbest to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/1/nbest_predictions.json
I0610 01:20:36.625833 140160153200448] Writing nbest to: /workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/1/nbest_predictions.json

I didn’t see the “throughput((num_processed_examples-threshod_examples)/Elapsedtime)” information like inference workload from the training log. I also read the script code: models/models/language_modeling/tensorflow/bert_large/training/fp32/, I have not found about “throughput”. But the ./models/models/language_modeling/tensorflow/bert_large/inference/ used by inference has code about ” throughput((num_processed_examples-threshod_examples)/Elapsedtime)”.

So how to evaluate the performance number of Bert-Large training. There is neither "throughput" nor "Elapsedtime" in the log and running script?

@ashahba @dmsuehir


dmsuehir commented 3 years ago

The BERT large squad training log will have values like INFO:tensorflow:examples/sec: .... This number can be multiplied by the number of MPI processes (in your example, that's 2 since you have --mpi_num_processes=2) to get the total examples per second.

sramakintel commented 3 months ago

@zhixingheyi-tian can you try our latest optimizations for tensorflow bert-large by referring to the link here