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Point2D.setCoords(x, y) is very JS-unlike #200

Open kenchris opened 7 years ago

kenchris commented 7 years ago

This seems very much like a C++, Java way of doing things. You have direct access to x and y, so this makes very little sense.

Also I would follow DOMMatrix and add the following ctors:

 Constructor(Float32Array array32),
 Constructor(Float64Array array64),
 Constructor(sequence<unrestricted double> numberSequence),

unrestricted double makes more sense given that JS works with 64bit doubles.

Then you might want to add

    Float32Array        toFloat32Array();
    Float64Array        toFloat64Array();

This will replace getCoords()

I also really wonder how useful the equal() method is. It would be super easy to check if needed.

Also disallow empty ctor

 Constructor(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y),
 Constructor(Float32Array array32),
 Constructor(Float64Array array64),
 Constructor(sequence<unrestricted double> numberSequence)
interface Point2D {
  attribute unrestricted double x;
  attribute unrestricted double y;

  static boolean equals(Point2D a, Point2D b);
  static unrestricted double distance(Point2D a, Point2D b);

  Float32Array toFloat32Array();
  Float64Array toFloat64Array();

Also I don't see the point of having specific classes for the different sizes... Just do a WorldPoint class or similar instead which allows up to 4 values, just like DOMPoint.

Also don't you have any use-cases for Vectors?