intel / openvino-ai-plugins-gimp

GIMP AI plugins with OpenVINO Backend
Apache License 2.0
422 stars 47 forks source link

L:inux Installation Guide. #81

Closed Bobcatie closed 1 month ago

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

Hello. Im just want to start off by saying i am thankful for this project.

However i still have not managed to get a successful installation going on ubuntu.

I have also noticed other people struggling to follow the installation guide and was wondering if there is any plans to release a video tutorail walkthrough on a linux installation.

My previous failed attempts have cost me alot of internet data storage space and time where i just ended up reinstalling ubuntu and i want to avoid any problems before i try installing again.


RyanMetcalfeInt8 commented 5 months ago

Hi @Bobcatie,

Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely consider improving the installation process for Ubuntu.

In the meantime, which step is failing for you? I might be able to help overcome that obstacle.

Thanks, Ryan

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

Hi Ryan, Thankyou for the reply. Its been awhile since i attempted an install of this repo as previously it has caused me alot of issues.

Reading through the Linux instructions it appears that the instructions are not nessisarally as clear as A-Z steps. and leave some room for interpitation and confusion which may cause errors.

the guide lacks guidance on concise folder structures for Dependencies

Also the section of instruction for the installation of the AI models used with OpenVINO™. says to just 'choose' the models that you would like to setup. which again is far too vauge as there is no explanation offered as to which modules to what. or which ones are standard for stable diffusion.

The guide also lacks unstructions for setting up the opt folder structure which is needed for a successful installation and feels like a very vauge guide with far too much room for error.

gblong1 commented 5 months ago

Hi @Bobcatie - It is a good idea. We will create an install video. I also was thinking of creating a dockerfile which may ease installation, as well.

gblong1 commented 5 months ago

@Bobcatie - i have updated the Linux Installation Instructions, and added a few short videos for some of the more detailed parts. Please have a look: Linux Install Guide

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

Hi Garth, Thankytou for the reply.

So I'v been following the guide. It says to create a hidden gimp folder in the home directory to download and install the Dependencies. [ home/.gimp ]

But then when it comes to Installing Plugins It says to clone this repo into a [ home/gimp ] folder.

Is this the same hidden folder or a seperate folder?

Also The Plugin install mentions that at the end of plugin setup, you will be prompted to setup the AI models used with OpenVINO™. And that before proceeding, you should make note of the plugin directory path for GIMP before proceeding with model download

What should this path read as?

gblong1 commented 5 months ago

Hi @Bobcatie - The instructions say to create a GIMP folder in your home directory:

cd $HOME
mkdir ./GIMP
cd ./GIMP

Note that the path is ./GIMP not .GIMP (although either is really fine, just as long as you are consistent). But to answer your question, it is the same folder. For example, here is my $HOME/GIMP folder: image

For the plugin path, it is printed out during the execution of openvino-ai-plugins-gimp/ script: image This is also explained in the Video. Please copy it and follow the video to add it to the plugin path in GIMP.

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

ah ./Gimp. thankyou for pointing that out.

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

Error with the

Screenshot from 2024-02-08 17-22-09

Screenshot from 2024-02-08 17-24-40

source /opt/intel/openvino/scripts/setupvars/
[] WARNING: Can not find OpenVINO Python binaries by path /opt/intel/openvino-2023.3.0/scripts/setupvars/python
[] WARNING: OpenVINO Python environment does not set properly
[] OpenVINO environment initialized
gblong1 commented 5 months ago

Seems like python is missing. When you type python3 in the terminal, what do you get?

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

I only wish it was....

/GIMP$ python3 Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

gblong1 commented 5 months ago

oh, very strange. The openvino version you are using is the 2023.3.0 version for ubuntu 22.04? it should have downloaded as l_openvino_toolkit_ubuntu22_2023.3.0.13775.ceeafaf64f3_x86_64.tar.gz

can you try running: sudo -E /opt/intel/openvino/install_dependencies/ maybe something is missing from the dependencies list.

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

I downloaded the wrong openvino file and had to use this source

After trying to install the plugins I got an error message

huggingface_hub.utils._errors.LocalEntryNotFoundError: An error happened while trying to locate the file on the Hub and we cannot find the requested files in the local cache. Please check your connection and try again or make sure your Internet connection is on. openvino-ai-plugins-gimp Setup Ended

Im trying the script again

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

The installation of the plugins have failed. I am unable to attempt to reinstall any of them and do not know what to do to fix it.

Please help.


Screenshot from 2024-02-10 18-27-20 Screenshot from 2024-02-10 18-27-38 Screenshot from 2024-02-10 18-28-00

Bobcatie commented 5 months ago

Something wrong with the Hugging Face Repo. Its throwig back a 443 error: Over 6gb of data succesfully downloaded which i deleated to try to restart the process and again it capped itself off at 6.1GB

GIMP/gimpenv3$ ls bin etc lib pyvenv.cfg share

Screenshot from 2024-02-12 17-25-26

Error while downloading from*%3DUTF-8%27%27unet_int8.bin%3B+filename%3D%22unet_int8.bin%22%3B&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream&Expires=1708017393&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTcwODAxNzM5M319LCJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2RuLWxmcy11cy0xLmh1Z2dpbmdmYWNlLmNvL3JlcG9zL2M3LzQ2L2M3NDYyZmQ4NTg1MDcxN2Y0YzZhMjFhZmY0MzdjZWQ1MjBiOWI3YWJjNmExMTMwY2UyZTkyM2YwNGUzZWFmNzQvM2VkMmU2NDQ1OTNlZDJiNjlhMjkzZTcwYzAzZDIwZGNiNWYxNGVmZThjYjJjMmFjMzNlZGUyM2JmNGJmOTQ0Yz9yZXNwb25zZS1jb250ZW50LWRpc3Bvc2l0aW9uPSomcmVzcG9uc2UtY29udGVudC10eXBlPSoifV19&Signature=T6TgzFGmSTKXbtub4t8apw7zf3q9yB8NglsE6DS7Yta8vR%7E372W-TUAjCqAq5RUA2FiKKm399pttYIXDYQnEHbdcZUeuUqvt3SMspQ6vhWQA5AhP5NVVHBbQX7%7ENtMF-%7EKfbBCLn0En6ZngrlsruCGv4atdI-%7E5VzkcuveWJvHcBjInBu62Of05ExRRBUzr1zqT-14YSxoD7nO5MTcXBqgnzJYj1tIwQS9LQdv%7EPYgyEb7tRX6DtxemUrDVxCZwcXHdJJshd1WJOMIiOHEfXc42anNd2XKAugpsh-p%7Ei1GPru5bV14TZkdZjn8froZ0IrkD0YmaYDTCoU7gzEUbCGg__&Key-Pair-Id=KCD77M1F0VK2B: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. Trying to resume download...

gblong1 commented 1 month ago

closing. please try 2.99-R2 and if you still need help, open new issue.