intel / ros_object_analytics

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No output from ros_object_analytic #26

Closed j5207 closed 6 years ago

j5207 commented 6 years ago

HI: When I roslaunch the analytics_movidius_ncs.launch, it only output the classification topic, and for detection, locolization, it just echo nothing. It would be much help if anyone could help. screenshot from 2018-03-19 14-04-05 screenshot from 2018-03-16 15-36-40 I'm using realsense D435 with ubuntu 16.04 with NCS.


j5207 commented 6 years ago

11111111 here is the output of catkin_make test What should I do next?

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

@j5207 Thanks for issue reporting. For your first question, I'm wonder if you changed the launch file yourself. Because the graph you are showing is wired. Object Analytics(OA) should only subscribe /camera/depth_registered/points topic as showing in below. So would you please check your launch file, if it's been changed, please get the latest one. oa_graph

For the second question, I just checked in my environment, all cases passed without any error. If it's still the same situation, please past out the detail error, so I can dig out.

j5207 commented 6 years ago

@Peter9606 Thanks for your response. I already re-clone the latest repo. However, I found out that /object_analytics/detection is not showed in my rqt_graph and nothing out from it either. Could you help which part could goes wrong?

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

If that’s the case I suggest you have a test on movidius ncs ros wrapper stand-alone first to check whether it works or not. Because the movidius ncs ros wrapper is the backend of the detection function of object analysis.

j5207 commented 6 years ago

HI: Thanks again for your response. I tested the backend with roslaunch movidius_ncs_launch ncs_camera.launch cnn_type:=tinyyolo_v1 camera:=realsense which could accomplish detection successfully. 11 as you can see above, the detection part is missing. Any suggestions?

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

@j5207 , seems you met the same situation as described in #27 . Would you please check the log and paste out here?

j5207 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response: here is the output in terminal after roslaunch object_analytics_launch analytics_movidius_ncs.launch aging_th:=30 probability_th:="0.3" `... logging to /home/intuitivecompting/.ros/log/fa9af62a-3354-11e8-a19a-d89ef30a35db/roslaunch-intuitivecompting-29701.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server



NODES /object_analytics/ ObjectAnalyticsMgr (nodelet/nodelet) merger (nodelet/nodelet) movidius_ncs_stream (nodelet/nodelet) segmenter (nodelet/nodelet) splitter (nodelet/nodelet) tracker (nodelet/nodelet)


process[object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr-1]: started with pid [29721] process[object_analytics/splitter-2]: started with pid [29722] process[object_analytics/segmenter-3]: started with pid [29723] process[object_analytics/merger-4]: started with pid [29724] [ INFO] [1522330083.153655149]: Loading nodelet /object_analytics/splitter of type object_analytics_nodelet/splitter/SplitterNodelet to manager ObjectAnalyticsMgr with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1522330083.153761101]: /camera/depth_registered/points -> /camera/depth_registered/points [ INFO] [1522330083.153803193]: /object_analytics/pointcloud -> /object_analytics/pointcloud [ INFO] [1522330083.153816030]: /object_analytics/rgb -> /object_analytics/rgb process[object_analytics/tracker-5]: started with pid [29733] [ INFO] [1522330083.155815551]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1522330083.156303008]: Loading nodelet /object_analytics/segmenter of type object_analytics_nodelet/segmenter/SegmenterNodelet to manager ObjectAnalyticsMgr with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1522330083.156353912]: /object_analytics/pointcloud -> /object_analytics/pointcloud [ INFO] [1522330083.156368647]: /object_analytics/segmentation -> /object_analytics/segmentation process[object_analytics/movidius_ncs_stream-6]: started with pid [29748] [ INFO] [1522330083.158574698]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1522330083.160135601]: Loading nodelet /object_analytics/merger of type object_analytics_nodelet/merger/MergerNodelet to manager ObjectAnalyticsMgr with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1522330083.160179911]: /object_analytics/detection -> /object_analytics/detection [ INFO] [1522330083.160195782]: /object_analytics/localization -> /object_analytics/localization [ INFO] [1522330083.160209047]: /object_analytics/segmentation -> /object_analytics/segmentation [ INFO] [1522330083.161120390]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1522330083.163223909]: Loading nodelet /object_analytics/tracker of type object_analytics_nodelet/tracker/TrackingNodelet to manager ObjectAnalyticsMgr with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1522330083.163256370]: /object_analytics/detection -> /object_analytics/detection [ INFO] [1522330083.163283990]: /object_analytics/rgb -> /object_analytics/rgb [ INFO] [1522330083.163296863]: /object_analytics/tracking -> /object_analytics/tracking [ INFO] [1522330083.188780669]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1522330083.189853288]: Loading nodelet /object_analytics/movidius_ncs_stream of type movidius_ncs_stream/NCSNodelet to manager ObjectAnalyticsMgr with the following remappings: [ INFO] [1522330083.189892003]: /camera/rgb/image_raw -> /object_analytics/rgb [ INFO] [1522330083.189907206]: /object_analytics/classified_object -> /object_analytics/detection [ INFO] [1522330083.190966876]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1522330083.256237533]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads. [ INFO] [1522330083.260764961]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1522330083.262482053]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1522330083.270526473]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1522330083.270857947]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1522330083.277080696]: waitForService: Service [/object_analytics/ObjectAnalyticsMgr/load_nodelet] is now available. [ INFO] [1522330083.288592135]: use device_index = 0 [ INFO] [1522330083.288943364]: use log_level = 0 [ INFO] [1522330083.289308639]: use graph_file_path = /opt/movidius/ncappzoo/caffe/TinyYolo/graph [ INFO] [1522330083.289643269]: use category_file_path = /opt/movidius/ncappzoo/data/ilsvrc12/voc20.txt [ INFO] [1522330083.289972550]: use cnntype = tinyyolo_v1 [ INFO] [1522330083.290285965]: use network_dimension = 448 [ INFO] [1522330083.290615519]: use channel1_mean = 0 [ INFO] [1522330083.290938008]: use channel2_mean = 0 [ INFO] [1522330083.291252348]: use channel3_mean = 0roslaunch object_analytics_launch analytics_movidius_ncs.launch aging_th:=30 probability_th:="0.3" [ INFO] [1522330083.291580672]: use top_n = 3 [ INFO] [1522330083.291899669]: use scale = 0.00392156 [ INFO] [1522330083.291995113]: open device #0 name=3 in the meanwhile, theroslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch` is also launched and thus lead to the rqt_graph posted above.

the content of analytics_movidius_ncs.launch looks like this: launch

Thanks for your time! Wish you have good day

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

@j5207 Finally I reproduced this issue in my environment. In short, ros_movidius_ncs doesn't work under Release build. ros_mvoidius_ncs owner is working on this. To be able to continue to use ros_object_analytics, you can follow below instructions as a workaround.

  1. either setup a clean catkin workspace or clean up all build (ros_movidius_ncs & ros_object_analytics ) result of existing catkin workspace.
  2. build ros_movidius_ncs & realsense_ros as usual.
  3. build ros_object_analytics use below command: catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="object_analytics;object_analytics_launch;object_analytics_msgs;object_analytics_nodelet;object_analytyics_visualization"

now you should have seen everything okay. Any problem please let us know. Thanks very much for your great help on rooting cause this issue.

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

@j5207 Does the workaround solve your problem ?

j5207 commented 6 years ago

yes! Sorry about my delayed response. Thank you so much for your help!

Peter9606 commented 6 years ago

Glad to help you out!