intel / systemc-compiler

This tool translates synthesizable SystemC code to synthesizable SystemVerilog.
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export SystemVerilog modules to multiple files? #68

Open pmerz1 opened 6 months ago

pmerz1 commented 6 months ago

Is there a way for ICSC not to write all SystemVerilog modules to one file?

I think sometimes it would be more convenient to split the modules into several files to make them easier to read.

What do you think?

mikhailmoiseev commented 6 months ago

No, only one SV file is generated. From my expirience working with one file is more convinient, specially for designs with hundreds of mudules. What advantages of multiple files do you see?

There is also a problem with template modules and modules with constructor parameters -- that lead to different SV modules generated.

pmerz1 commented 6 months ago

I do understand that handling one file is more convinient if you are generating SystemVerilog for a large set of modules.

I had the experience, that I had to track issues in the generated SystemVerilog modules. For tracing and verificating the behaviour I prefer having several files for several modules. Sometimes I got lost in the file with hundreds to thousands of lines.. So it's actually a personal preference.

My suggestion would be to use a flag that indexes if you want to have multiple files. Perhaps you could sort the files according to the SystemC modules and write all derived SystemVerilog modules in one file.

mikhailmoiseev commented 6 months ago

Do you think it is possible to write a script to split one SV file into multiple files by keywords module/endmodule? I could add a low priority ticket for that, but cannot promise to implement it soon.

pmerz1 commented 6 months ago

I am using a short script doing this as a workaround.

And I have no problem if you create a low priority ticket for this.

mikhailmoiseev commented 6 months ago

Sounds good. Will update you when it is completed.