intel / tinycrypt

tinycrypt is a library of cryptographic algorithms with a focus on small, simple implementation.
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Changing the names of the source files of the Tinycript library #36

Closed peurpdapeurp closed 1 year ago

peurpdapeurp commented 5 years ago

Hello. I am working in a project to create a library, and this library includes Tinycript within it to provide security functionality.

One issue that we have run into is that the Tinycript library causes linking conflicts with other security libraries (the specific one we are having trouble with is nrf crypto, as we are doing embedded development on the nRF52840 board).

Would it be possible to change the source file names of the Tinycript library to be explicitly Tinycript specific? (i.e., prepend all of them with tc_ or something similar)

It seems that this is already done with the functions within Tinycript, and if it was also done to the source file names it would prevent linking conflicts in certain IDE's like Segger Embedded Studio.

I am vaguely aware that this issue can be solved by changing the names of the object files that the linker generates for the source files that are conflicting, but this solution would make it harder for other users to use our library. I think we could also change the names of the files in the local copy of Tinycript in our library, but that seems like it would make updating Tinycript for our library a hassle in the future.

I am also not sure if this is a design choice on purpose, in order to prevent unnecessary duplicate security implementations that are provided by other security libraries, but it seems like it would still just be more flexible for users of the Tinycript library if they had Tinycript specific source file names.

Thank you very much for reading, and thank you for the nice library!